Let's celebrate the amazing life of Carl Quinn by beating this virus while we shelter in place.
Carl was always a fan of knowledge and data - so the more we can learn about fighting the virus the more we can help all of the people in need. Although we cannot gather together in person right now to celebrate Carl, we can come together online to share stories and support a worthwhile cause.
LIVE EVENT & SERVICE-------------------------------
In addition to making a donation, we invite you to watch or participate in our even the weekend of June 6th - 7th. Many people will be playing games in honor of Carl, and sharing stories and memories of their time with him. To read more about the event, head over to Facebook:
WATCH (Twitch)-------------------------------
https://www.twitch.tv/alaureiWe will be streaming the event live on Twitch for everyone to enjoy! See the detailed schedule below for an order of events. We're looking forward to sharing some memories about Carl, celebrating his life, and having a good time.
GAME & STREAM-------------------------------
As you all know, Carl was a huge fan of games! Board Games, Video Games, you name 'em! We'd love for you to play games in honor of Carl, and help raise money for a good cause.
If you're excited to participate and would like to stream - that's awesome! Feel free to leave a comment below with a link to your channel, and the date/time you'll be streaming.