We are public defenders who represent some of New York’s most vulnerable and disenfranchised people. Often, our clients’ needs go far beyond legal representation.
Our office, the
Center for Appellate Litigation , receives government funding for our legal work. But our advocates rely on donations for other client support costs.
We send books to people serving long prison sentences far away from home.Prison is a dehumanizing experience. Each year, our Books Beyond Bars program sends thousands of reading materials to individuals incarcerated in New York's prisons and jails. Everything from textbooks, to romance novels, to parenting handbooks. Reading inspires self-empowerment, imagination, and personal growth, and it can provide an escape from the dehumanization of prison.
$15 buys an exciting novel for a teenager held in solitary confinement.
$20 buys a book on gender for someone seeking to understand their own identity.
$30 buys a copy of a Quran for a man unable to attend group prayers.
We’re there for people when they need support on the inside…
Our clients may face harassment from prison guards, or may be denied basic necessities like medical or dental care.
We have dedicated staff who jump into action to advocate for our clients’ safety and well-being.
$20 buys reading glasses for an elderly man struggling to read letters from his grandchildren.
$50 buys a shake-awake alarm clock for a hard-of-hearing man who is punished for missing the morning count.
$100 buys a winter coat for a woman incarcerated near Lake Ontario, where prison cells can be freezing cold.
….and when they come home.
Our clients face a host of challenges when they return to their communities—from housing restrictions, to transportation problems, to employment barriers.
Our re-entry services team is by their side throughout the transition from prison to home, helping our clients re-build their lives.
$75 buys a month’s worth of diapers for a mom reuniting with her toddler.
$100 buys professional clothing for a client’s upcoming job interview.
$130 buys a monthly MetroCard for a client who needs to make it to doctor’s appointments and meetings with his parole officer.
Please help us meet our clients’ needs.You can make a difference by making a tax-deductible donation to Center for Appellate Litigation today.“I have a spirit in me. CAL showed me, ‘you can do it.’ I was lost. And then I got found.”
— J.T., CAL client
We’re the
Center for Appellate Litigation A registered 501(c)3 non-profit public defense organization.
We represent indigent New Yorkers in appeals and post-conviction proceedings in Manhattan and the Bronx. CAL distinguishes itself through its passionate and creative advocacy, and its dynamic approach to finding effective litigation strategies in pursuit of justice.