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Children of Fallen Heroes logoVerified

Children of Fallen Heroes

Mission Statement Children of Fallen Heroes provides retreats, education, and special programs to children and families of fallen ...Learn more

Children of Fallen Heroes logo

About Children of Fallen Heroes

Mission Statement Children of Fallen Heroes provides retreats, education, and special programs to children and families of fallen military and first responders designed to create an escape from grief, helping them to survive and thrive in spite of their loss. Vision Statement Children of Fallen Heroes seeks to increase public awareness and appreciation of the sacrifice of fallen military and first responder heroes as well as the sacrifice and needs of their loved ones, through an increasing range of healing educational and recreational activities.

1428 Fazio DrPinehurst, NC 28374-1804


Nonprofits, Information and communications, Sports and recreation, Human services, Youth organizing



Verified on GoFundMe


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Youth Development Programs

Children of Fallen Heroes is a 501(c)(3) public charity, EIN 81-0800340. Donations are tax-deductible. Select content is provided by GuideStar.

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