Bike-a-thon to StopAAPIHate
Following the recent increase in anti-Asian violence, help me reach my goal: raise $8,000 in honor of the 8 victims of the Atlanta spa shooting, and in solidarity with #StopAAPIHate. (see below: how-to donate/pledge)
Two weeks after the shooting (3/16), I will attempt (on Fri 4/2) a self-supported bicycle ride to try, for me, the impossible: climb 1/2 the height of Everest in one ride (14,561 ft. elevation gain) to raise awareness and money for this issue.
Your pledges and donations will go in honor of the 8 victims of Atlanta to the amazing organization, boosting their great work tracking and responding to incidents of hate, violence, harassment, discrimination against Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders nation-wide. Two ways to give + support 1) a flat-donation, or better yet 2) pledge a $ dollar amount per “lap” I complete*
* Like a walk-a-thon, each "lap" for my event is 1,000 ft. elevation gain/climbed. With feature-limitations of GoFundMe: if you choose to pledge $ amount/lap, donate that dollar amount, and a leave a comment like, "here's my per lap pledge. good luck". For example: if you pledge $(10 ), and I climb 5,000 ft. than your total donation is $50.
How much do I plan to do? (Goals)
Minimum - 8,000 ft gain ( 1K ft. for each Atlanta victim )
Stretch - 10,000 ft gain ( ATL + elder asians recently attacked )
Bonkers - 14,000 ft gain (= 1/2 Everest )
I estimate I'll ride 6 to 10 hours to complete, plus a bazillion bars, gels
Lastly, I know the Atlanta shooting is complex, and that there are many important issues in 2020/2021 that pull for our attention, solidarity, and financial resources, so with that I say thank you...
1 - for taking the time to read
2 - as I ride in honor of my grandparents, so elder asians can safely go to the grocery store, or for walks without fear of hate and violence. That all should have that confidence when they walk out their doors.
3 - to anyone who will give, big or small, motivates me to dig deep on your behalf ; )
Let's do this!
Dan (Daniel)
My original vision: focus on victims’ needs (i.e. medical and/or funeral costs; support surviving family members; etc.) from Atlanta to here in SF, Oakland and the Bay Area. Due to the complexity of fundraising platforms, I've chosen If you prefer to give directly to individuals recently affected (those stories with less national news coverage), do it! please share those other names, news in the donations/comments section. Any and all steps to stand in solidarity and say enough is enough!
Clarification, Why is CAA listed?
Stop AAPI Hate is fiscally sponsored by CAA.
Chinese for Affirmative Action, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization and your gift is tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law. CAA's tax ID number is 94-2161304
From website: "Chinese for Affirmative Action was founded in 1969... Today, CAA is a progressive voice in and on behalf of the broader Asian American and Pacific Islander community. We advocate for systemic change that protects immigrant rights, promotes language diversity, and remedies racial and social injustice."
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