The old train depot on the Corkscrew Rail Trail now has its own gofundme site! This is one of the few remaining train depots on the original Rutland Rail Line that ran from New York to Vermont up until 1953. One of its branches had a route that ran around the local hills and was nicknamed "The Corkscrew Rail". There used to be train depots all along the line; so many are gone, but the one in New Lebanon, NY, is still around. It was hidden in the trees for seventy years and is now being brought back to life.
We at the Corkscrew Rail Trail Association are proud to announce that we have succeeded at two major goals for the depot, thanks to our donors. Our first goal, after receiving the train depot by generous donation, was to pay several years of back taxes on it. Our second goal was to repair holes in the roof that was letting the weather and the elements in. Once again, thanks to our donors, we were able to get enough repair done to the roof so that we can button up the old depot safely until it can be restored. This repair was accomplished in the summer of 2023.
Many thanks to everyone who has contributed to the depot through the original Corkscrew Rail Trail gofundme site. We appreciate your love for the old station so much! And because the depot is a big restoration project with a long way to go, it needs it own site now. The original Corkscrew Rail Trail gofundme site continues to be a place where trail lovers can make a donation for the expansion of the Corkscrew Rail Trail, running between Stephentown and New Lebanon, NY.
We're also delighted to say that NY State has now declared that the old depot is eligible for National Historic Registry status. This was accomplished through the work of dedicated volunteers. This will help to be a protective step for the building and will also help us to get the necessary grants for its restoration.
So the depot is now ready for the next step, which is stabilization of its stone foundation. We're working with engineers now to find out how much that will cost.
Our goal is for the depot, in its spot right beside the Corkscrew Rail Trail, to be rehabilitated into an active building that will serve and delight the New Lebanon community as well as walkers on the trail.
If you would like to donate to the next step for the depot, please feel free to do that here!
Many thanks from the Corkscrew Rail Trail Association.