Save Hopper's Ears
Hopper was rescued, severely malnourished with savagely cut, swollen and seriously infected ears. After months of treatment, his left ear continues to ooze with bacteria that are very resistant to antibiotics. Hopper needs a Total Ear Canal Ablation with Lateral Bulla Osteotomy (TECA +LBO) surgery to remove the external ear canal and insert a hole in the middle ear cavity, as well as a CT scan to check for possible tumors. The consulting surgeon has indicated that Hopper's case is the worst he's ever seen. The surgeon also noted, as we have, that Hopper, despite the neglect and damage done to him, is an amazingly sweet and resilient dog! That sweet soul has been worth all the love and care our kennel staff have been lavishing on him. But, he needs the surgery or the oozing infection will never clear.
Please donate for Hopper's surgery. That sweet boy deserves a chance at a happy, healthy life and he is destined to brighten someone's life when he recovers and becomes part of their family. You can make a difference by donating today to Corridor Rescue, which was formed in 2009 to address the problem of severe neglect and distress of animals in the area just north of downtown Houston, dubbed the Corridor of Cruelty. We rescue homeless street dogs in Houston, TX, rehabilitate them and seek to place them in loving homes across the United States and Canada. Corridor Rescue specializes in helping those most in need.
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