Jessica Sanders is fundraising

At Skyview Enterprises - Short Film
The Project:
At Skyview Enterprises is 2023's Script to Screen grant winner from Portland's Catalyst Film Collective. The CFC is an intersectional group that produces and supports equitable projects that hire at least 51% self-identifying women/non-binary folx, 35% BIPoC, and are LGBTQIA+ inclusive. Their work centers on creating visibility and opportunities for all marginalized communities. They recognize that part of how that is going to happen is by removing some of the many obstacles hindering Black, Indigenous, & film-focused creatives of color.
The Fundraising:
The grant is an amazing start to funding this project! However, even a short film is a large endeavor. There are gear, location, and logistical needs, crew and mentees to hire, people to feed, and various other expenses. We are seeking additional funds to increase stipends for our extremely talented professionals who are coming aboard to provide training opportunities to up-and-coming filmmakers, ensure funds are available to complete post-production on the project, and allow for festival entries to be able to give a spotlight to our mentors and mentees as well as the Collective and its mission.
About the short film:
This year's winning script, At Skyview Enterprises, is a horror sci-fi featuring Hannah, a lovable, nerdy gamer who just got the opportunity of a lifetime - an interview with her favorite gaming company, Skyview Enterprises. From the start - an invitation delivered by balloon - she knew this would be an adventure, but as the interview begins, things get more an more bizarre. Should she leave? Is this a test? How badly does she really want this job? All these things swirl through her mind without clear answers. But one thing is clear - something is very wrong at Skyview Enterprises.
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11 supporters