Give Them a Safe Place to Live and Play

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CPR Live and Play Corporation's mission is to provide new housing for purchase available to the working poor in Myrtle Beach. A sa...Learn more
Fundraisers created by supporters like you
CPR Live and Play Corporation's mission is to provide new housing for purchase available to the working poor in Myrtle Beach. A safe place to live and play should be available to all Myrtle Beach children. Live and Play is dedicated to relieving the pain of poverty one family at a time. A tiny non-profit that seeks to provide new housing for the working poor. We want to give children and their families a safe place to live and play and each neighborhood will have a new small playground. We need your help to make it happen. Our mission is to provide reasonably priced newly built homes to Myrtle Beach residents living in poverty that qualify for federal home purchase programs. Our vision is to relieve the suffering of poverty and give poor children a boost.
Housing development
Housing Development, Construction, Management
CPR Live and Play Corporation is a 501(c)(3) public charity, EIN 88-0676765. Donations are tax-deductible. Select content is provided by GuideStar.