Day Eagle Hope Project is fundraising

Tescha Hawley, Day Eagle Hope Project
2023 TOP 10 CNN HERO
The Elevate Prize Foundation will be matching donations to all of the 2023 Top 10 CNN Heroes up to $50,000 per hero.
Many Native Americans often struggle to receive adequate healthcare – a factor that contributes to their having the lowest life expectancy and the highest rate of death in many categories of preventable illnesses in the US. Tescha Hawley is a member of the Gros Ventre tribe whose own cancer diagnosis and challenge to obtain lifesaving treatment inspired her to found Day Eagle Hope Project to help other cancer patients and their families living on the Fort Belknap Reservation. Hawley serves thousands on her reservation. Her cancer outreach and financial aid programs have grown to include organic food distribution, equine therapy classes, firewood for Native elders, and services to address addiction and suicide prevention.
Read about Tescha on
Watch CNN Hero Tescha Hawley's video here.
The names of non-anonymous donors and their donation amounts may be published on air during CNN Heroes: An All-Star Tribute
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365 supporters