We are working to help the homeless people in Denver, specifically those who stay at Denver Rescue Mission. Many of the people at the shelter struggle with the lack of food, clothing and shelter. We hope to aid in donations for them while also bringing awareness to volunteering at homeless shelters. Denver Rescue Mission has a very organized website that lists their multiple programs based on those who need it. For example there are rehabilitation, transitional programs, emergency services (food and shelter) and community outreach. The many programs of Denver Rescue Mission provide homeless people the resources they need for their specific situations. Community outreach offers food, clothing, furniture, household items, and hygiene products. Many homeless people suffer from the lack of income and sometimes the inability to get a job along with lacking basic human needs. The many different programs means that a lot of homeless people have completely different situations on how they got to be into their current situation. Some have addictions as a result of loss in their lives or broken relationships and see that as their only choice in life. Others may not have the financial support for renting a place and Denver Rescue Mission can help support those people or families who need it. It doesn’t matter what the reason is for these people being homeless, our group hopes to make a difference at this shelter with our aid and any donations we acquire. We also want to inspire the community to focus more on the homeless people that live on the streets and focus on actually taking actions in order to help them out, whether it's through donations or volunteering at a local shelter.
Thanks in advance for your contribution to this cause that means so much to us.
More information about Denver Rescue Mission: Denver Rescue Mission is changing lives in the name of Christ by meeting people at their physical and spiritual points of need with the goal of returning them to society as productive, self-sufficient citizens. Founded in 1892, the Mission is the oldest, full-service, faith-based non-profit organization serving the poor and homeless in the Rocky Mountain area. The Mission has four core strategies for addressing homelessness: emergency services, rehabilitation, transitional programs and community outreach.