Mike Posner Climbs Mt. Everest for Detroit Justice
After my dad passed away, I felt stuck under the weight of my own life. In 2019, I walked across America in order to find out who I was when I wasn’t “Mike Posner, Grammy nominated singer-songwriter.”

The journey changed my life and when I crossed the Rocky Mountains in Colorado, I decided what I wanted to do next...
Climb Mount Everest.

Two weeks after I finished walking, I began training with my Coach Dr. Jon Kedrowski.
While the Walk Across America was about myself, I want my climb to be about others. My father, rest his soul, was a criminal defense attorney in Detroit for 40 years before he died.

That’s why I’ve decided to dedicate my climb to raising funds for the Detroit Justice Center - the only organization of it's kind doing criminal justice reform work that would make my dad beam with joy - and it's led by Black women.
I couldn’t be more honored and humbled to support them. I need your help. Please donate whatever you feel called to do. If you aren’t in a position to donate, please post or share this link. I thank you. I love you. Keep Going.

About Detroit Justice Center
The Detroit Justice Center works alongside communities to create economic opportunities, transform the justice system, and promote equitable and just cities. DJC is founded on the belief that we cannot build cities that work for everyone without remedying the impacts of mass incarceration. This mission requires innovative ways of community lawyering—rooted in defensive and offensive fights for racial justice and economic equity—that build up our poorest residents through direct services and novel approaches to land use, housing, and employment.

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