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Dsquared Homes for the Homeless

Fill in the gap where there is a lack of resources to help the independent Serious Mentally Ill (SMI) stay afloat during a tempora...Learn more

Dsquared Homes for the Homeless logo

About Dsquared Homes for the Homeless

Fill in the gap where there is a lack of resources to help the independent Serious Mentally Ill (SMI) stay afloat during a temporary setback and support the chronically homeless with basic living necessities.

90 S Kyrene Rd Suite 4Chandler, AZ 85226


Human services, Mental health care, Housing for people with disabilities



Verified on GoFundMe


Tax ID


NTEE code

Independent Housing for People with Disabilities

Dsquared Homes for the Homeless is a 501(c)(3) public charity, EIN 83-3777018. Donations are tax-deductible. Select content is provided by GuideStar.

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Recent Donations

  • Jowan Thornton donated to Dsquared Homes for the Homeless
  • Anonymous donated to Dsquared Homes for the Homeless
  • Tametra Battle donated to Dsquared Homes for the Homeless