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Enduring Hearts, Inc

Enduring Hearts funds research to increase the longevity of pediatric heart transplants and improve the quality of life for transp...Learn more

Enduring Hearts, Inc logo

About Enduring Hearts, Inc

Enduring Hearts funds research to increase the longevity of pediatric heart transplants and improve the quality of life for transplant recipients. We give the highest priority towards pediatric heart transplant research, tailored to substantially improve the longevity of human allografts. The results of the research projects we fund contribute to the knowledge about many important aspects of clinical and scientific transplantation, e.g. the mechanisms of long-term organ deterioration, the consequence of tissue injury and the emerging opportunities to intervene in these processes. We serve and grant to accredited research institutions worldwide.

1205 Johnson Ferry RoadMarietta, GA 30068





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Heart and Circulatory

Enduring Hearts, Inc is a 501(c)(3) public charity, EIN 46-2665745. Donations are tax-deductible. Select content is provided by GuideStar.

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