Save the Bell
A beautiful bell cast by Paul Revere and Sons foundry was purchased in 1812 from Revere by Lt. David Brown and donated to the First Congregational Church of Becket. After many years of use, the bell cracked and had to be recast. At the time it was recast it is said that 100 silver dollars were added to the the molten metal to “sweeten the sound”.
The bell pealed out at noon on Patriots Day, April 19, 1951, the anniversary of Paul Revere’s Ride, with all other ring-able Revere bells, to remind Americans again of their nation’s heritage.
The bell is currently housed in the belfry atop the historic Becket church in a beautiful location in the center of town within an historic district and is the only one of its kind remaining in Berkshire County.
The bell is in danger due to extensive damage from powderpost beetles in the timber-frame structure that supports the bell and belfry. There is also extensive damage in the basement.
The church endeavors to restore/replace the belfry structure and supports so the bell will be heard on into the future. While work has begun, we still need additional help to complete the project. Won’t you please join us to Save the Bell?
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