Rotary Brings Clean Drinking Water To La Vega
La Vega is a village of refugees originally from northern Guatemala, who fled their homeland during the Civil War (1960-1966). When the Guatemalan government relocated the residents to La Vega in west central Guatemala, it promised to provide clean drinking water and sanitation services. That promise was never kept, leaving residents dependent upon water from shallow wells located dangerously close to pit toilets. Surrounding sugar cane and rubber tree plantations add still more harmful pollutants to community water sources. Water-borne diseases are a constant health hazard, resulting in chronic illness, missed school days, and lost wages.
The La Vega Water & Sanitation Project is designed in two phases. Phase 1 will provide potable (safe for human consumption) water by drilling a well, constructing a water storage tank, and installing water distribution lines to individual homes. Phase 2 will dramatically improve water sanitation services and protect water resources.
The Sustainable Global Coalition has already raised $270,000 of our $315,000 project budget! We welcome you to join our team as we raise the remaining $45,000 and bring this life-saving vision to reality!
The Sustainable Global Coalition is proud to work in partnership with the community of La Vega which has provided the services of a local engineer, local labor and other in-kind contributions. We are indebted to participating organizations including Fundazucar, Rotary Club of Mazatenango, and Engineers Without Borders. Together we will provide a healthy future for this deserving community.
For every dollar ($1) donated, The Rotary Foundation will match $0.50 making your generosity grow by an additional 50%!

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