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Floating Doctors

The Floating Doctors Mission is to reduce the present and future burden of disease in the developing world, and to promote improve...Learn more

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About Floating Doctors

The Floating Doctors Mission is to reduce the present and future burden of disease in the developing world, and to promote improvements in health care delivery worldwide. Our goals include: 1. Improving Access to Specialist Medical Care in Developing Regions 2. Improving Access to Specialist Medical Care in Developing Regions 3. Supporting Community Development and Capacity-Building Initiatives 4. Collecting Clinical Data for Program and Health Landscape Monitoring 5. Reducing Child and Maternal Mortality 6. Promoting improvements in health care practice worldwide

20445 Paradise LaneTopanga Canyon, CA 90290





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Nonmonetary Support N.E.C.

Floating Doctors is a 501(c)(3) public charity, EIN 30-0492985. Donations are tax-deductible. Select content is provided by GuideStar.

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