Hello, my name is Rikuto Hayashi, and I am a high school junior student. The Food Bank of Contra Costa and Solano is a non-profit organization that helps residents of the Contra Costa and Solano counties in California who cannot get their hands on life’s most basic and crucial need: food. According to their website, each month “1 in 4 residents turn to the Food Bank of Contra Costa and Solano for emergency and supplemental food”. They are one of the essential factors that support multiple counties in California, and this fundraiser will allow them to give more to those who are in need. Your gracious donations will go towards paying for food expenses, and save numerous lives.
Throughout my volunteering experiences at food banks, I have learned that to many people, food banks are what helps them live a healthy life. Because these organizations continue their efforts, our neighbors are able to live happily and safely. While food might be something that is considered to be common for some families, that is not the case for certain individuals. I decided to set up this fundraiser in hopes of aiding these individuals, and to address the importance of food banks.
この度はThe Food Bank of Contra Costa and Solanoの寄付サイトに来てくださり、ありがとうございます。このファンドレイザーを立ち上げた高校三年生の林陸人です。The Food Bank of Contra Costa and Solanoはカルフォルニア州のコントラコスタ郡とソラノ郡で、食べ物を必要としている団体や市民に無償で食べ物を提供しているNPO団体です。コントラコスタとソラノでは、毎月4人に1人が使用していて、二つの郡を支えている重要な団体です。ただし資金調達が難しく、同様に人員を集めるのも困難な状況です。
私自身数多のフードバンクでボランティア活動をしてきましたが、使用する人数は多くて1日に50人以上もいます。私達にとって時には余るほどある食べ物も、他の家庭には2週間に1回しか手に入らない貴重品です。この寄付サイトは、そんな団体を少しでも支援するためにと思い、作りました。寄付は全てThe Food Bank of Contra Costa and Solanoに行き、食べ物、または従業員を雇うために使われます。