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Fostering Wishes

Fostering Wishes is dedicated to enhancing the quality of life of our local foster children during their years in the foster syste...Saiba mais.

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Sobre Fostering Wishes

Fostering Wishes is dedicated to enhancing the quality of life of our local foster children during their years in the foster system and assisting in preparing them to be self-sufficient upon and after their exit as young adults. Fostering Wishes envisions and “wishes” our vulnerable foster children will receive the support needed to grow into happy, healthy, successful young adults.

2495 Royal Oaks DrAlamo, CA 94507-2238


Youth services



Com verificação do GoFundMe


ID fiscal


Código NTEE

Children's and Youth Services

Fostering Wishes é uma instituição de caridade pública 501(c)(3), EIN 88-3935030. As doações são dedutíveis de impostos. O conteúdo selecionado é fornecido pela GuideStar.

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