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Foundation ThinkAgain logoVerified

Foundation ThinkAgain

Foundation ThinkAgain provides rehabilitation therapies to children severely affected by cancer and brain tumors, that were either...Learn more

Foundation ThinkAgain logo

About Foundation ThinkAgain

Foundation ThinkAgain provides rehabilitation therapies to children severely affected by cancer and brain tumors, that were either denied or insufficiently covered by medical insurance.

2355 Westwood Blvd #431Los Angeles, CA 90064


Human services, Brain and nervous system disorders, Out-patient medical care, Cancers, Rehabilitation



Verified on GoFundMe


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NTEE code

Health Treatment Facilities (Primarily Outpatient)

Foundation ThinkAgain is a 501(c)(3) public charity, EIN 42-1738429. Donations are tax-deductible. Select content is provided by GuideStar.

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