Daisy Shotwell is fundraising

Empower Freedom Prep Students with Technology
Hi, my name is Daisy Shotwell and I am a teacher at Freedom Prep Academy Westwood. I was selected to be on the fundraising committee. We serve in a community that has many challenges to the education of our children. One of those challenges is the lack of internet and proper technology in their homes, as well as our limited supply at the academy.
Our school believes that getting a Promethean Board would help to enhance our students' learning and comfort with technology. We have many brilliant minds that are being developed, and we need to progress along with the latest educational technology.
There are basic to advanced models, as well as the installation, maintenance, and accessories. Initially, we are requesting at least two boards. One will be used for teachers on the 2nd floor, and the other would be used for teachers on the 1st floor. We would use a sign-up sheet to use the board in turn as a community. These boards have touch interactivity, digital integration, and are multifunctional. They can be used for presentations, interactive activities, and as a traditional whiteboard.
I have used these before in previous schools, and they are amazing. The students also become more interested and invested in their learning. With that said, we are asking for a minimum of $20,000 to purchase two boards.
If you have any other questions, please contact our Head of School, Dr. A. Rosenthal. Our school website is freedomprep.org. Our location is Freedom Prep-Westwood, 778 Parkrose Avenue, Memphis, TN, 38109.
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1 supporter