Do you care for Street Children?
Do you want to join me in making a difference?
Amani and these Kids mean the world to me, BUT they are struggling... :
* afraid of the Corona virus that is coming their way;
* afraid of a lockdown that might soon be imposed, with the chance that all homeless children will be forcefully rounded up by the police, and locked away;
* struggling to find enough food to eat.
These so-deserving children need your help... Please READ the Whole Story below.
With your support, we want to:
• continue rescuing these children from the dangerous streets
• continue offering them education, and
• continue to reunify them with their families, with Amani's ongoing support.
We also want to continue supporting the more than 400 children who are in our care already (about 100 in our shelters and safe houses, and another 300+ reintegrated in their families throughout Tanzania)
To help street children here, and all the Amani children already in our care, get through the Corona-virus Crisis successfully, we need:
• Extra mattresses for the children who will be in our Isolation Classrooms (quarantine)
• Extra clothes, toiletries, and other supplies for the children
• Money for hospital visits, medication, vitamins, first aid, etc.
• Four months of additional Food stock
• Four months of additional firewood stock (for cooking)
• Large quantities of extra cleaning and hygiene materials
• Coverage for extra water usage (water bills) & Repair costs for our Water Pump
• Emergency power generator (electricity; expensive)
• Support for the families who have been reunited with their (formerly street-living) children
• Etcetera, etcetera...
All these additional costs come at a time where, because of the COVID-19 reality, our fundraising has been hit hard:
• Various big fundraising events that were planned for internationally, have now been postponed or cancelled;
• Several grant-making foundations have stopped receiving/considering new applications (even though they initially invited us to send in our proposal to them);
• Some of our corporate donors are struggling and will drastically reduce their support;
• Our Kilimanjaro Fundraising Climbs have stopped and no foreign friends are visiting Amani in Tanzania anymore.
Taken together, this means that Amani will need to raise tens of thousands of dollars extra to continue its operations and to safeguard (former) street children against Corona.
This GoFundMe inititiative hopes to raise part of these required funds. Our aim is to raise at least $20,000/-- towards our Corona Relief Fund through GoFundMe (we'll start with $10K and will increase once we have raised our first few thousands).
Will you please donate to this important Amani Corona Relief Fund?
Any donation will help make an impact. Thank you so much in advance for your contribution -- your support is saving lives!
More information about Amani Children's Home, Centre for Street Children, Tanzania
In 2001, Amani was established by Tanzanians who were concerned about the growing number of street children due the HIV-AIDS epidemic. It started in a humble three-room, rented home. Today, Amani is considered one of the leading organizations caring for street children in East Africa.
The goal has always been to care for the children until they can be reunited with their families – Amani is not an orphanage. We encourage the children to follow the faith of their choosing, and provide transportation to nearby churches and the mosque.
Amani also is a recognized national leader in promoting children’s rights and is regarded by the Government of Tanzania as an example organization and as a learning site for its social workers.
Thanks to the ongoing support of international donors and monthly sponsors, Amani has grown substantially. Today we help 750+ children a year, operate 4 facilities throughout Tanzania, and employ over 100 highly committed Tanzanian staff.
Amani is governed by a Tanzanian Board of Directors. Our finances have an annual external audit.
Visit for more information about Amani's important work.