Felix needs your generous donations! Felix is a sweet one-and-a-half-year-old DSH male cat that was severely injured when he first arrived at the Exeter Animal Shelter. He came in as a loving boy despite having a large, bleeding injury on his leg. After his injury healed, he was adopted by a wonderful family in Cranston.
Shortly after the adoption, the new owners noticed a sudden change in his behavior. He stopped eating, became listless and started staring blankly into space. Felix started to experience weight loss and loss of muscle mass. The owners stated he no longer wanted to be touched nor wanted to engage in any play time. Although he had been healthy upon his adoption, the owners returned him almost immediately when his sudden illness became too much for them to handle. Felix suddenly started fighting for his life almost overnight upon his return to the Exeter Animal Shelter.
The ACO at the shelter quickly took him in for immediate care to our local Vet. Our worst fears became a reality. Felix was diagnosed with FIP. The disease “FIP” is called Feline Infectious Peritonitis. It is a viral disease caused by certain strains of feline coronavirus. It is one of the least understood diseases of cats. The virus can remain dormant or inactive in the body for months to years before the cat eventually develops the disease.
Right now, time is of the essence. Felix’s symptoms are worsening. He has developed a “wet” form of FIP. He is accumulating fluid in all body cavities including his abdomen and lungs. His breathing will soon become affected if we do not act quickly. The vet has drained some of the fluid from his abdomen and he is currently on steroid medications to help suppress the immune system as well as antibiotics. It is necessary to get Felix more stable before we can try to do any further treatments. He will be evaluated at Tufts Veterinary services in Walpole Mass for possible nasogastric insertion in the very near future.
Supportive treatments will help but only to a certain extent. We are in contact with FIP Warriors on getting information on new treatments. Although results may vary, it is the only hope we have of saving Felix at this time. Without further treatment, his death is imminent. Unfortunately, any treatment(s) for this disease is extremely expensive and is estimated to be up to $5000. In the interim, costs continue to accrue for the exams, diagnostic testing, lab work and the like.
The Friends of Exeter Animals have been paying for these veterinary services thus far. As a non-profit organization, it can only continue to exist with your continued financial support. The monies they receive go directly to the care and treatment of animals such as Felix.
Currently, we are asking for donations from our cat-loving community to help save this young, innocent, fur baby.
Thank you in advance for your contribution to help save Felix. We will post updates as they are received.