We are in urgent need to raise funds for emergency surgery for Angel, a very sweet dog from Ukraine who came to us under unexpected circumstances. She is currently in Gdansk, Poland with a foster going through all the processes to come to the US and her new family. While at the vet yesterday (27 December 2024), medical issues unknown to us came to light during exams that now require emergency surgery to fix them. She is currently admitted in hospital under 24/7 care and a surgical plan will be set for her on 30 December 2024.
On 24 August 2024, we were doing evacuations of animals from the Donbas in Ukraine and made a stop in Kramatorsk on the way back to Kharkiv to get a bite. One of the sweet street dogs who visited us immediately drew our eye for her calm and gentle nature. We had to run a quick errand to the local vet and while there were asked if we could pick up two cats from the military and take them to Kharkiv.
When we picked up the cats and were preparing to leave, the soldier came running up to the van desperate for help. Right in front of us, the gentle sweet dog who had endeared us was hit by a car. We stopped everything we were doing to render care to her and start the mad dash to get her to the clinic in Kharkiv. Below is video from the night that we got her to Animal Rescue Kharkiv's clinic in Kharkiv.
She had bi-lateral (both sides) hip fractures which were both displaced. She also had a fracture of her femoral head on the right side. Surgery was done a few days later and she began her recovery period. Within a few weeks she was standing and taking guarded steps. We thought everything was going well, and the process was started to take her to Gdansk, Poland to her foster so she could start the steps needed to come to her new family in the US. Despite everything she has been through, she has always smiled and put on a brave face.
On the drive to Poland, we made several stops where Angel used the bathroom and both peed and pooped. I noticed her tail was not moving out of the way, and made a note that it might need to be docked so she was not continuing to get poop stuck in it. As the trip went on, she was trying to pee and she would manage a few squirts in, but no real flow. The video below was from the drive addressing some of the issues to her foster.
To begin with, we know Angel had a lot of issues after being hit by the car in Kramatorsk. Animal Rescue Kharkiv did the initial surgery to get her walking again, but she needs more specialty care that just isn't available now in Ukraine with the war going on. We are thankful for what ARK did for her, so please don't think there was any lack of care on their part.
Unfortunately, we have had a major setback with Angel that is going to require additional surgeries before she will be ready to come to the US. We knew something was a bit off with the way her tail was sitting and how she was struggling with certain things such as going to the bathroom by the time we arrived into Warsaw. Her foster took her to the vet and she was immediately admitted. Below is the report that he gave us which the vet told him, and you can see her x-ray below.
"So now less positive news.
We were super lucky we've got an appointment today for Angel. I just came back home from the vet where I've been since 2pm (it's 11pm now). I didn't mention that here, as you were less responsive at that point, so I had a conversation with ****** as needed some clarification about her excretion.
So since she came to us, she wasn't able to properly poop. When outside, she tried without luck, then back home she laid down, and while resting, she excreted without any control. Whenever really smelly, we checked under her tail, and there was a ball of poo. Also, we've noticed she wasn't properly peeing as well. She drank normally but was not urinating enough, and her bladder had grown. So luckily we went to the vet today.
She had today a USG, RTG, blood tests, urine tests, etc.
She stays in the clinic overnight now as her bladder has been emptied, and she's been catheterized. So she's under observation now.
RTG showed many issues, which might be the reason for the damaged anal sphincter and urethra. One of her hip joints wasn't properly assembled, and the broken part spikes into a sphincter. The whole pelvis is dislocated. L6/S1 is fractured, as well as a tail. Metal plated has not been effectively assembled. The prognosis is bad. The vet says she'll check if any specialist would be happy to undertake such a task of reoperating her. It won't guarantee anything anyway, as there is a possibility that nerves could have been damaged ultimately and even fixing her spine will not resolve her excration problems. Tomorrow morning I'm going there for a follow up how she's been with a catheter, discuss the urine/blood results and recommendations.
Hopefully I'll have some better news tomorrow. I'll update you.
Also, I'll have to ask you to urgently reimburse our expenses as it's been a lot so far. I'll send you the receipts in a moment."
She has been taken to the 24/7 clinic for the weekend since she has a catheter. They are going to figure out how best to proceed to get her injuries repaired so she can continue her journey to the US.
This is going to be a long and expensive process. Total Receipts Already 2,476.66 PLN. It is going to keep climbing. Another 3,000PLN will be due Monday Dec 30. We have already covered more than $600USD in the first 24 hours, and we know the total is going to be many times more than this.
Please help us help her........ She is an innocent patient in all of this and we cannot let her down after getting her this far. Her family knows there will be a delay and are thankfully understanding based on the situation.
We are here for your Angel!!!!!
We are Global Animal Rescue And Response and getting Angel through this is what we will focus on doing.
GoFundMe - https://gofund.me/e0dc9912
PayPal- [email redacted]
PrivatBank- 4149609051947721
Venmo- garrdonations