William Rose is fundraising

Support Children with Hair Loss: Donate Now
I have donated my hair on three separate occasions and I thought I would do something to try and raise some money for children with hair loss. I have created an Instagram page that is dedicated to this, @Swim.Bike.Run_4HairLoss. I aim to give helpful information and tips that are worth some money for children with hair loss. I am also doing "Fundraiser Races", where I sign up for races to put myself through some intense situations in hope to raise awareness for children with hair loss. The first race is a 24 hour team race starting at 12pm Nov 2nd and going until 12pm Nov 3rd. My team and I will run laps around trails for 24 hours, one person at a time. This is just the first of many races I intend to do in hope to raise money for these organizations. I am starting with Hair We Share but I would like to spread the love around, while circling back to the original organizations that we help.
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13 supporters