Greg Randall is fundraising
Healing Simply Therapeutic Healing Center
There is a mental health crisis in our nation and in our beloved home state.
Utah ranked 30th in the nation last year in mental health challenges for our youth.
Nearly 40% of Utah’s depressed youth ages 12-17 did not receive any type of treatment for depression.
15% of males and 28.5% of females ages 15-17 seriously considered attempting suicide in 2015-2017.
Suicide is the leading cause of death for Utahns ages 10-24.
It's time for a different approach. We are building a one-of-a-kind healing center that will utilize Equine Assisted Therapy, Mindfulness & Meditation, Green Space Therapy, and create opportunities to learn transferrable skills in fulfilling career fields so we can all grow together.
In addition to therapy and healing from past experiences and trauma, our goal is to also create pathways to career opportunities in the mental health, equine, and agricultural spaces for the children and families that we serve.
We aim to be the spark that ignites an interest and passion for helping others while working with animals and building connections with nature.
With the funding raised, we are building scholarship and internship programs for mental health professionals, an indoor riding arena with training and living quarters, a retail "silo" storefront, custom gardens/honeybee areas, show animals, rescue horse operation, yoga/meditation, and a green space healing area.
Proceeds from products sold in the retail store will be put towards continued education funding for our clients to help build their future.
Thank you for your generosity in helping build this unique experience to strengthen families and provide children with a path to success.
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