Cathy Lorraine Cairelli is fundraising

Help Tulum Dogs Sanctuary
Hey everyone! It feels like it's been forever to see progress, but I can assure all of you that I have been pressing every day for all of the things to start coming together.
Finally we are ready to dig our well (next week the 14-15) and finally, the electricity will be connected hopefully around the same time.
The barn/kennel project (which I thought would be done already) has not started HOWEVER we do have almost all of the materials purchased and the kennels are starting to be built next week.
On the other hand BIG SURPRISE as we got financing for our cabin construction from a very wonderful human, which has officially started and should be completed in about 40 days!
Since the electric and water (and barn with dry toilet) isn't there yet, we had to pay for the rental of a generator ($500 USD) and porta-potty (no idea what they are charging me) and water delivery... While it pains me immensely to not have been able to get these things done before the construction materials and crew showed up, I'm just grateful to see some movement forward!
We have been sending money seemingly nonstop for all of these projects and necessities, and it feels like we are so close yet so far to completion!!
Here's what we still need to pay for:
1. Barn/kennels construction (we have most of the materials but need to buy the roofing and some plumbing/electrical items, plus labor) estimated to be $3000 USD
2. Well and septic is half paid for so now we need about $1500 USD to complete it
3. Electricity we have a short term solution for $800 USD
4. Moving expenses $2500
By breaking my bank and all of the kind donations, we are still trying to find the last $7800 USD to get there. We also have had ongoing vet expenses and emergencies, so I have had to keep up with those and still have about a $2000 USD debt.
Hi friends, here's our current progress and, unfortunately, setbacks, in our Sanctuary project...
The community has designated our entrance area, so we finished the fencing, moved some large plants and cut down some brush / trimmed trees to make our official access from the street! Yay! Progress!
We got a new quote from CFE for our electric - which is just pulling from the back of the property and doesn't include a money for cable and labor to bring electric to the living area, but we can have electric. Good news it's significantly lower than last time, down from $178,000 mxn to $70,000 mxn (approximately $3,800 usd). Bad news is I don't have this money and am still struggling with this fundraiser.
Another part of the project is our cabin construction, which I had been approved for a loan of $500,000 mxn with me putting in $300,000 mxn to make the $800,000 mxn total needed for the construction of a small cabin. The loan company has been putting us through the ringer, they make up new things as they go because in the end, we found out they really don't do loans for rural land, so they want me to "urbanize" the land to fit their own rules, and have been holding my deposit money plus the loan amount hostage since April. On top of it I've had to make payments to them totaling over $70,000 mxn and their cancellation penalties are nothing short of extorsion. So we are battling to get back my money, having gone through government agencies here (similar to the Better Business Bureau) and calling them out on their immoral tactics, and are awaiting a response from them this week on how much they will return. Boo :(((
This means that the dogs and I have no place to live, having expected the construction loan would have been paid out long ago and I'd be already there with the pack, I'm now scrambling to put together money for a bigger and better pole barn, where the kennels will be, and make an outdoor bathroom and kitchen area, plus a small room for me to live / sleep in. Winter is coming so it's necessary to have something appropriate albeit small, for me and the dogs to hunker down in at night.
So we have started to buy the materials and design this project, and still need to build kennels, so this budget has gone up from around $3000 USD to $5000, and we of course still need to have our well drilled and septic system installed (around $3500 USD).
Our goal is to be out of here by the end of October, which is lofty but can happen from a work standpoint, but we still need to raise this money or I'll have to live without electric and running water and sacrifice my money for the cabin to complete this project if we can't raise it, then figure out how to build a proper cabin over time.
Moving expenses $2500, barn/kennels/living quarter $5000, well and septic $3500, electric $3800 = $14,800 USD. I've received some kind donations that are covering most of the materials for the barn, but still I'm faced with over $12,000 USD that we need to raise to get there.
I know times are tough but we've been killing ourselves with dog rescue etc. for over 13 years, and now we need your help to make our sanctuary for the pack of misfits / unadoptable dogs that are in our care. Please consider a donation. No amount is too small (or too big!).
Last week I flew to Chiapas to visit the site of our future sanctuary for the 20 permanent pack members we have collected (the unadoptable dogs)! While we are so excited to have our fencing completed and the loan for the cabin, we still have so much to do and pay for. We need to build kennels and a shelter area (around $3000 USD), we need to have our well drilled and septic system installed (around $3500 USD) and we are still negotiating with the electric company to get the $10,000 USD quote cut less than half. I'm hoping we can complete everything with a total of $10,000 USD -- I've invested $60,000 so far and took out a loan for another $30,000, and after this trip I've wrapped up the final details except the final electric quote. Please read below from the beginning to get a complete understanding of this project, and consider a donation It's time for our next chapter and we need a place to live! ❤️ Yes, I've adjusted my goal again as this number has been going up and down as we get deeper into completing this project!
THE BAD NEWS: I received a huge blow last weekend when my friend (future neighbor of the Sanctuary) helped me get a quote from CFE, the Mexican Federal Electric Company (the ONLY option for electricity in Mexico). No, solar is not an option for so many reasons...
I knew we had to run cable from a neighbor, which is 453 meters away, and set some poles. The quote? $178,000 MXN / $10,000 USD (insert SHOCK meme here) given my estimate was about $600 USD. Then I realized our land has another corner that may have electric closer, so we are working on this. Either way it seems good ole' CFE is going to do what they always do, which is over charge and under service.
Meanwhile, more red tape with the loan company I am borrowing 60% of the money to complete the cabin construction, and another month has passed by and probably another 2-3 weeks by the time this is resolved, and who knows until we can start construction #vivamexico.
So pushing forward despite these setbacks, I'm waiting on the quote now for our pole barn / kennels so that we can build that right away, and I am shopping tents and small power generators. At this point, we just can't stay here any longer and the goal is to be out by the end of September. So as long as I have the barn, kennels, fencing, shower/toilet/sink, and my water source, I will be living like a real mountain woman, sharing the pole barn with the dogs (funny / not funny), until the cabin is built.
It will truly be a new twist on the "Survivor" series -- but I've bought some long underwear, boots, socks, hats, gloves and will put my old farm day skills to the test. My will and desire to get out of our current living situation is strong, and you know what they say - if there's a will there's a way. I want my dogs living their best lives, even if I sacrifice some little luxuries (like a house haha) for them to get there.
Again, I received a very generous donation that has saved my life by paying off our vet bills which had accumulated to over $170,000 mxn (of course every day we have ongoing expenses and more vet bills), and it also has helped with some of the travel expenses to get dogs out of here to their forever homes. Otherwise I'd be completely under water. I've sold my SUV and am keeping my little Honda Fit despite the interior having been destroyed by dog transport for almost 8 years, I've taken out a loan, scraped together money from our work income, and short of robbing a bank, I'm doing my best to complete the Sanctuary.
Did I think I'd accumulate 20 (yes it's now 20) unadoptable dogs during the past 13 years of doing dog rescue? NOPE. Do I love these furry fools more than anything, do I have a responsibility to them, do they need a place to live freely, and not in a 600f2 apartment in the center of Tulum? YES.
Most of all, I absolutely hate asking for donations, but as a dog rescue that runs 100% on volunteer time and donations, it's a necessary and humbling thing I have to do.
If you can find some change in the sofa or can spare a few bucks, we would all be eternally grateful.
Thank you!!
Cathy, Estrella, Chiquis, Canela, Tigger, Mariposa, Rufus, Mamita, Negra, Tyson, Muffin, Peppa, Nina, Rita, Walter, Hilda, Puppy Chow (Lola), Lula, and forthcoming Doogie and another surprise guest <3
Hey everyone! Here's a quick update on our Help Tulum Dogs Sanctuary Project and GoFundMe
We've been struggling a bit with red tape and the loan company and things are held up a bit, again, but we are pushing forward.
At this point I'm hoping our outdoor shelter (aka pole barn) and 6 dog kennels can be built (like the photos show) by the end of this month, since it looks like I'll be moving with the dogs and living in a tent for a while. ⛺
I've never been much of a camper but since I've been living in a circus for over 10 years, this should be a piece of cake. I'm pretty sure the poop and pee clean up will be easier, and hopefully we can cut our way out of this bureaucratic crap we've been up against and pull this sanctuary together asap.
I've done all I can - scraped up cash, sold my SUV, took out a loan, received a very generous donation from a friend and many times savior, and of course the kind donors who help us monthly and otherwise to keep going. But man it would be great to get a little more help
Can we make this a Hep Tulum Dogs Sanctuary push and see how many $10 donations we can get before the GoFundMe cut off in 10 days?! ⭐
Check out the link for our GoFundMe in the bio or below and THANK YOU TO ALL OF OUR SUPPORTERS ❤️
UPDATE JULY 14, 2024
Hi friends! We have made some big steps towards the completion of the Sanctuary! I sold my truck and received a generous outside donation, took out a loan, and am almost there, but still need to come up with some money for the rest of the rest.
We are happy to announce that all of our fencing materials have been purchased and the work has started to assemble it. This has not been a fast nor easy process, the wood sides we need to completely enclose (where there are walking paths etc. and we don't want the dogs barking all day at the people) were made by hand, machining and otherwise to cut wood and fit together the pieces. A bigger section where we will have cyclone fencing to secure the dogs has the poles set and ready.
I've adjusted my goal accordingly. We are almost there, the final things will be our well, septic system, bringing electric to the property, and then the actual move which will require a rental van for the dogs and a moving truck! This will be no small task! I also need to build 6 kennels to separate certain dogs when I'm not at home.
Well / Septic = $25,000 mxn / $1500 USD
Electric = $10,000 mxn / $600 USD
Outdoor Kennels = $42,000 mxn / $2500 USD
Moving expenses = $45,000 mxn / $2600 USD
Total = $7,200 USD
Please help us complete our goal -- the Sanctuary has been funded by my personal money and loans with the exception of approximately 15% received in donations so far, and I could use a leg up if you can help!
UPDATE JUNE 21, 2024
Hi everyone, welcome to my GoFundMe for our Help Tulum Dogs Sanctuary! To those of you who have kindly donated already, a HUGE THANK YOU!!!!
If you haven't read about the fundraiser yet, let me try to explain what why where and how we are making a Sanctuary for our permanent pack of unadoptable dogs that we have in our care.
After over 13 years of dog rescue, outreach, sterilization campaigns, etc. we find ourselves with a lovable yet unadoptable group of dogs, and we need a place to live. Currently we have 17 dogs. Several of them are suffering from health issues and don't have much time left sadly, but we all need a place to live ASAP.
We have been renting a home all of these years, most people think it's a shelter because we've had over 30 dogs here at one time, our long time average has been around 20, and this past year has been spent rehoming the ones we can, while planning where we can go when our lease is up (SOON)!
Tulum is not where we want to be for so many reasons - it's simply not sustainable. Starting with the expensive cost of living, building or buying a place that would be suitable for the dogs the cost would be extraordinary, and the climate quite frankly is not desirable, with extreme heat, storms, tropical diseases from ticks fleas and mosquitos... the list goes on and on.
We found our paradise and future home outside of San Cristobal de Las Casas, Chiapas MEXICO. A beautiful piece of land 12,500m2 (a little over 3 acres) for $350,000mxn pesos (approximately $21,000 USD), where we need to build a fence (almost done!!!), dig a well and install a cistern, bring electric from across the street, and build a small cabin. I am paying for the construction and many other expenses along the way, and thanks to our donors we raised enough money for the fence so far!
Originally I thought I would find the support for the following:
1. The land = 12,500m2 will cost $350,000 Mexican Pesos / approximately $21,000 USD (WE WOULD REALLY APPRECIATE SOME HELP WITH THIS)
2. A secure closure = fencing to enclose approximately 3000m2 will cost $40,000 Mexican Pesos / approximately $2,500 USD PAID FOR AND IN PROCESS THANKS TO YOUR DONATIONS!
3. Outside run/kennels for 6 dogs in order to safely separate the ones who need to be secure when they are alone $6,000 USD (REMOVING THIS AND WILL FIGURE OUT SOMETHING)
So I lowered the goal, and decided I'll have to sell my vehicle (the one the dogs haven't destroyed) and hope that we can get a little bit of support towards the land. Otherwise I am going to have to wrap up this chapter on a truly sad note and struggle to fund the Sanctuary nearly 100% myself. I was hoping for some more support after all of these years of doing this heartbreaking and challenging work, but I understand that it's a tough time for everyone, so any amount is appreciated and will help us get there, one way or another. We need to be out of our rented house by the end of July and have nowhere to go with 17 dogs.
Please consider helping us and donating today and/or sharing our story! Once we get moved and settled, I'll be able to focus on funding for sterilization campaigns to continue in Tulum and the Yucatan areas we have always helped since this is truly the only solution to the street / stray dog overpopulation.
Hi friends and followers! We have been busying flying pups to their forever homes and then a few days of mini sterilization campaigns here in the Yucatan, since my last update.
So my update is basically the same as last time, but with a lot more desperation!! We are still far from our goal. I'm doing everything that I can to scrape up money to finish the sanctuary, but we really need your help. I'm selling my "work" vehicle, I'm working and making us much money as I possibly can, but falling short. I've put my personal work vehicle up for sale and lowered the goal (the only vehicle of 3 that hasn't been destroyed using it for dog rescue).
This project and move is absolutely necessary for us. We have been basically been using our rental home as a shelter for over 12 years. We have sterilized, rescued, rehabbed, and supported so many animals all of these years, but now we need to move on.
We need to be out of this home by July because the owner has plans to sell property. She's been kind enough to keep extending our move out date, and allow us to live here all of these years with all of the dogs.
The biggest challenge is the fact we need a place to live, and on top of that, we need adequate space. As it is now, we have to transport our pack daily to exercise and release their physical and mental energy due to lack of space and the massive overdevelopment in Tulum, which has become traumatizing due to many factors. When they start building in the "secret" location we go to now, we are completely out of options. Sometimes we run into workers cutting through this area with machetes, who pick up sticks and rocks to throw at the dogs which is just insanely stressful.
With all of the changes happening in the rescue world, the only way to really continue helping is to have some sanity, a place for the dogs that we will love and take care of until they cross that rainbow bridge, and be able to focus on fundraising for sterilization campaigns.
Please consider supporting our Sanctuary. Again, I am funding 75% of this project myself because it will be my home too. I'm asking for help because this isn't something I would have to do for just myself. It's a huge undertaking and I really appreciate any support.
our pack:
We've already upped our number from 14 to 16 because we can't afford to rehome more dogs and sadly we still have 3 in Toronto, 2 in Chicago, 1 in Vancouver, and 1 in a rural part of Pennsylvania and 1 in Portland that we may end up taking in if they can't find homes by the end of summer.
Tigger - Abused and almost dead upon coming into our care; trusts nobody, and for good reason
Canela - Afraid of her own shadow from abuse we don't even want to guess as a puppy, but her scars tell us enough
Chiquis Zena - Our first Distemper survivor; we actually had rescued her as a puppy, she had 2 of 3 puppy vaccine boosters, yet she got Distemper through the gate from a dog on the street. Because she survived the fight and she stuck with us, so we stuck with her.
Rufus - Our wheelchair dog and inspiration -- need I say more
Mariposa - Rescued in horrible conditions with TVT, starving, etc. and never has quite adapted to civilization, leashes, and the outside world
Nina - Taken from the streets to be sterilized and then missed her opportunities 2x to be accepted by partner rescues because of her size and anxiety. No, she's not "unadoptable" but given she's behind 1000000000 puppies waiting to be adopted without any behavior challenges, etc. yes she is basically unadoptable
Tyson - Chained to side of a house for years, starving and beaten down, therefore basically, he fears the human hand
Muffin - A little chicken hunter that wasn't going to last long eating the neighbor's livestock (and also has a heart and lung condition)
Mamita - On the run for 7 years in jungle lots around Tulum, having puppies (some of whom we were able to find and rehome) finally we caught her and she is terrified of the outside world she had to survive in before
Negra - Distemper survivor, completely uninterested in civilization and has an almost autistic type reaction to stress
Walter Brown - Distemper survivor, lost most of his teeth, has convulsions when he sleeps, will always have declining health issues
Gilda - Distemper survivor, lost most of her teeth, has convulsions when he sleeps, will always have declining health issues
Peppa - Distemper survivor, rescued from the center of town, pregnant, across from the town hall about to give birth. She's had a rapid decline in her teeth and general health, neurological tick in her brain which is causing her to have neurotic moments like biting other dogs when stressed, and won't adapt to life outside
Lola aka Puppy Chow and Rita - these 2 pups are now staying with us because we simply can't afford to rehome them and we don't have any options locally.
Finally, Estrella. She isn't adoptable because she's mine - My #1 dog that I rescued February 2011, within the first months of moving to Mexico, is now 14 years old, has tolerated living with a nonstop revolving door of rescues and frankly, deserves to spend what time she has left in a home without all of this stress and lack of space. She's nearly deaf, losing her vision, and her mind (much like myself!) and it's just not fair for her to end her life living like we are.
UPDATE MAY 12, 2024
We are still far from our goal. I'm honestly doing everything that I can to scrape up money to finish the sanctuary, but we really need your help.
We didn't plan to have 14 permanent dogs. We didn't decide "this one is so cute I have to keep him/her." They are with us because they have zero adoption options due to all the reasons I've outlined below in my original story, after dedicating 13 years to dog rescue.
I can't quite express how necessary this project and move is for us. We have been using our rental home to foster the sick, moms w/litters of puppies, pups/dogs awaiting their opportunities to travel to their forever homes, etc. for over 12 years. We have sterilized, rescued, and supported so many animals all of these years THANKS TO OUR DONORS. But it's exhausting, stressful and affects our ability to even begin to live like normal people.
We need to be out of this home by July because the owner has plans to sell property. She's been kind enough to keep extending our move out date, and allow us to live here all of these years with all of the dogs.
The biggest challenge is the fact we need a place to live, and on top of that, we need adequate space. At it is now, we have to transport our pack daily to exercise and release their physical and mental energy due to lack of space and the massive overdevelopment in Tulum, which has become traumatizing due to many factors. It came to a head yesterday, coming back from our jungle walk, we were nearly killed by a tracker trailer on the highway who couldn't stop in time for a traffic back up (military check point) and thankfully he went off the highway to avoid smashing into us. That's not how I want to go out of this world.
I've seen all of the changes happening in the rescue world, and I know the only way to really continue helping is to have some sanity, a place for the dogs that we will love and take care of until they cross that rainbow bridge, and be able to focus on fundraising for sterilization campaigns.
Please consider supporting our Sanctuary. Again, I am funding 75% of this project myself because it will be my home too. I'm asking for help because this isn't something I would have to do for just myself. It's a huge undertaking and I really appreciate any support.
Hello friends, thank you for taking the time to read my Go Fund Me, and I really hope to get your support!
Help Tulum Dogs has been rescuing/rehabilitating/rehoming hundreds of dogs and puppies for over 12 years in Tulum and surrounding areas in the Yucatan peninsula. We have sterilized over 8,000 dogs and cats in these years, and helped countless animals in the community by providing veterinary care ranging from orthopedic and other surgeries, vaccines, blood tests, treatments for a variety of diseases, etc. Our outreach program feeds, sterilizes, vaccinates and treats for fleas/ticks over 200 dogs in the jungle communities of Punta Laguna and Campamento Hidalgo.
Now it's time for us to make a change, because despite all of our work and successes, we are in a time of crisis.
Throughout the years, we have taken in puppies and dogs that - for one reason or another - are simply unadoptable. We have 14 permanent residents now, and we have had a constant flow of new rescues that has turned our rented home into basically a shelter for up to 28 dogs at one time. We pay more rent to keep staying where we are as our landlord (thankfully) allows us to keep this many dogs here. We do not use any donation money towards the expenses of renting, living, cleaning, vehicles (2 now destroyed from using them for dog rescue), nor do we pay or take any type of salary for anything, much less a staff to clean and care for the animals. That would be me.
Tulum has grown from a small fishing village to a huge tourist and expat town. The extraordinary over-development and cost of living here has reached an all time high over the past 5 years, and we have lost every location we used to have to take the dogs, via car, to an area they can run and exercise free of worry from construction and traffic. As recently as last week, the less-than-ideal place we were able to do so, has now been taken over by yet more construction.
None of this is sustainable.
The way we are living now is just not fair to the dogs, as we are literally trapped in an apartment with nothing more than a garden. And we are now in a time that we need to vacate the house so the owner can move forward with her plans.
I have not just been sitting back and wondering what to do. I have been trying to make a plan for 2 years now, knowing this day was coming. Help Tulum Dogs Foundation will no longer be a dog "rescue" - rather we will continue our focus on fundraising to support sterilization campaigns and community outreach in Tulum and the surrounding areas, as we always have. We will be moving out of Tulum so we can afford the land and space we need for the dogs to live in a proper, healthy environment, and the time I spend managing chaos can be used to do good.
What do we need?
1. The land = 12,500m2 will cost $350,000 Mexican Pesos / approximately $21,000 USD
2. A secure closure = fencing to enclose approximately 3000m2 will cost $40,000 Mexican Pesos / approximately $2,500 USD
3. Outside run/kennels for 6 dogs in order to safely separate the ones who need to be secure when they are alone $6,000 USD
$29,500 USD
I'll be using my own money and a loan to build a small, 50m2 cabin to live in, access water, put in a proper septic system, and the electrical and internet source. To say it's a struggle now after draining my earnings and savings, paying for dog rescue out of pocket when donations are not enough or don't reach me, is an understatement. So I'm asking for your help.
Our crew of misfit, unadoptable dogs need a home, and we need to move on so we can open a new chapter in our books; one that will hopefully give us the time and energy to focus on seeking grants, corporate sponsorships, etc. and keep sterilizing campaigns funded from a better place.
In case you are wondering why are these dogs unadoptable after hundreds have been and others will be? Let me introduce them:
Tigger - Abused and almost dead upon coming into our care; trusts nobody, and for good reason
Canela - Afraid of her own shadow from abuse we don't even want to guess as a puppy, but her scars tell us enough
Chiquis Zena - Our first Distemper survivor; we actually had rescued her as a puppy, she had 2 of 3 puppy vaccine boosters, yet she got Distemper through the gate from a dog on the street. Because she survived the fight and she stuck with us, so we stuck with her.
Rufus - Our wheelchair dog and inspiration -- need I say more
Mariposa - Rescued in horrible conditions with TVT, starving, etc. and never has quite adapted to civilization, leashes, and the outside world
Nina - Taken from the streets to be sterilized and then missed her opportunities 2x to be accepted by partner rescues because of her size and anxiety. No, she's not "unadoptable" but given she's behind 1000000000 puppies waiting to be adopted without any behavior challenges, etc. yes she is basically unadoptable
Tyson - Chained to side of a house for years, starving and beaten down, therefore basically, he fears the human hand
Muffin - A little chicken hunter that wasn't going to last long eating the neighbor's livestock (and also has a heart and lung condition)
Mamita - On the run for 7 years in jungle lots around Tulum, having puppies (some of whom we were able to find and rehome) finally we caught her and she is terrified of the outside world she had to survive in before
Negra - Distemper survivor, completely uninterested in civilization and has an almost autistic type reaction to stress
Walter Brown - Distemper survivor, lost most of his teeth, has convulsions when he sleeps, will always have declining health issues
Gilda - Distemper survivor, lost most of her teeth, has convulsions when he sleeps, will always have declining health issues
Peppa - Distemper survivor, rescued from the center of town, pregnant, across from the town hall about to give birth. She's had a rapid decline in her teeth and general health, neurological tick in her brain which is causing her to have neurotic moments like biting other dogs when stressed, and won't adapt to life outside
Finally, Estrella. She isn't adoptable because she's mine - My #1 dog that I rescued February 2011, within the first months of moving to Mexico, is now 14 years old, has tolerated living with a nonstop revolving door of rescues and frankly, deserves to spend what time she has left in a home without all of this stress and lack of space. She's nearly deaf, losing her vision, and her mind (much like myself!) and it's just not fair for her to end her life living like we are.
I hope that you'll support me in my effort to complete the Help Tulum Dogs Sanctuary, and moving forward, in my efforts to continue providing free spay & neuter campaigns, and outreach in the community that I have served for so long and is part of my heart.
Thank you for your time.
More information about Help Tulum Dogs Foundation Inc: Help Tulum Dogs is a 501c3 registered non-profit charitable organization, so your donations are tax deductible to the extent of the IRS rules. We are dedicated to sterilizing/vaccinating dogs via free campaigns in Tulum and other parts of the Yucatan peninsula. We provide outreach to small, Mayan communities where the need is greatest, and have rescued/rehabbed/re-homed those with no hope for over 12 years.
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49 supporters