Homeless Action Sonoma, Inc. is fundraising

Help us build 4 shelters for Sonoma's homeless now
Shelters for Sonoma's Homeless. Help us build 4 by August 31st, 2022!
These buildings don't look like much now, but with residents and a community, life takes shape.

We have purchased property on Sonoma Highway in Boyes Hot Springs in order to create a village of 22 individual temporary shelters for our local homeless which we hope you'll help us build. The shelters cost about $13,000 each, for a total of $52,000 and they will be installed next to the others already paid for.
If you choose to donate $13,000 for one, we'd be glad to put a plaque on it with your name.
Homeless Action Sonoma, Inc. a 501 (c)(3) non-profit will soon be two years old, tax ID#85-2764190, was created by Sonoma individuals concerned with the burgeoning increase of homeless in our small town of 11,000 people. After summer fires, COVID isolation, and just plain bad luck, we've taken responsibility to do what we can to help provide refuge and services so they can get back on their feet.
Please help us! Tell your friends about us, visit us on Facebook and check out our website: www.hassonoma.org
Thank you for your big-hearted response,
From the Board of Directors,
Homeless Action Sonoma, Inc.

We have purchased property on Sonoma Highway in Boyes Hot Springs in order to create a village of 22 individual temporary shelters for our local homeless which we hope you'll help us build. The shelters cost about $13,000 each, for a total of $52,000 and they will be installed next to the others already paid for.
If you choose to donate $13,000 for one, we'd be glad to put a plaque on it with your name.
Homeless Action Sonoma, Inc. a 501 (c)(3) non-profit will soon be two years old, tax ID#85-2764190, was created by Sonoma individuals concerned with the burgeoning increase of homeless in our small town of 11,000 people. After summer fires, COVID isolation, and just plain bad luck, we've taken responsibility to do what we can to help provide refuge and services so they can get back on their feet.
Please help us! Tell your friends about us, visit us on Facebook and check out our website: www.hassonoma.org
Thank you for your big-hearted response,
From the Board of Directors,
Homeless Action Sonoma, Inc.
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35 supporters