Cathy Aronson is fundraising

Cross Country 2023
2023 will be the 20th anniversary of my first cross-country bicycle ride from San Diego, CA to St. Augustine, FL. I decided that it was time to do that ride again and raise money for Honoring Our Veterans. I volunteer for HOV and teach photography to combat-wounded veterans. I would like nothing more than to combine my love of cycling with my love of photography and helping veterans.
I am so honored at all the generosity! I have surpassed my original goal of $20,000 but let's not stop there! The more money I raise the more combat-wounded veterans HOV can help! I have modified my goal and it is now $30,000.
Please note:
If you'd prefer to send a check you can do that
Honoring Our Veterans
7950 Cowboy way
Jackson WY 83001
Please put CJ's ride in the memo.
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113 supporters