Alessandra Belloni is fundraising

Support Italian Music & Black Madonna Center
Dear friends and supporters around the world,
I am so grateful for your ongoing support over the past 44 years of beautiful artistic and educational projects with I Giullari di Piazza, Italian Folk music, Dance and Theater company, Artist in residence at the Cathedral of St John the Divine, a non-profit organization under the 501 c- 3 code .
As may you know, most of my work is in devotion to the Black Madonna in all her manifestations around the world with a focus on Southern Italy, and to the healing tradition of the ancient tarantella. I have been exploring these traditions and practices in performance and workshop settings for many years.
I hope that our New York fans will join us for our annual year end fund raiser and CELEBRATE THE HOLIDAYS, ITALIAN STYLE ! with Alessandra Belloni & I Giullari di PIazza- Italian Folk Music Theater & Dance Company at our annual year end Fundraiser in the heart of Little Italy, IN 'CAPODANNO IN ALLEGRIA" DECEMBER 28th, 3:00 pm
Italian American Museum- 151 Mulberry Street - Little Italy New York NY
and celebrating the 44th Anniversary of I Giullari di Piazza.
see more infromation below and at
This go fund me campaign and the fundraiser are also to support the completion and post production expenses of a new, hour-long, documentary, Musical Journeys with the Black Madonna in Southern Italy, based Alessandra's best-selling book.
An initial grant from Casa Italiana Zerelli Marimo at New York University, supported filming of the raw footage this past summer, in Sicily, and Campania. The cameras followed our unique pilgrimages, joined by students from all over the world, to stunning sacred sites of the Black Madonna.
The film features the authentic ritual drumming and dancing of Tarantella and Tammurriata, in rituals never seen outside of Italy. Its world premiere is scheduled for February 6, 2025, at Casa Italiana.
see the trailer here:
SYNOPSIS of the film:
Take a mystical journey of initiation, transformation, and empowerment with award-winning musician and author Alessandra Belloni as she unveils the secret healing powers of the musical traditions of the Black Madonna in Southern Italy. In footage never before seen outside of Italy, the film immerses viewers in a world of ritual and magic where ecstatic devotional music and dance powerfully transform and heal the heart and soul throughout the beautiful land once known as Magna Grecia.
In this 60 minute documentary we will follow Belloni’s summer Pilgrimages and workshops of ritual drumming and dance featuring authentic tarantella and tammurriata in the regions of Sicily, Campania.

As this work grows in scope and more people find their way to the Black Madonna, I have joined with my nonprofit and board members to create THE CENTER FOR THE BLACK MADONNA. This is an educational space (both in-person and virtual) that honors the Black Madonna and the ancestral lineages of Southern Italy by teaching, performing and reviving interest in these ritual and artistic traditions. We offer online lectures and live sessions featuring members of our ensemble, I Giullari Di Piazza, as well as intensive workshop/pilgrimage retreats in Southern Italy.
This is my life’s work, but I can no not do it alone nor can I rely on volunteer help, it is crucial to hire administration and marketing staff.
I also had to face a personal challenge recovering from gallbladder surgery. As many artists, I count on the support of my audience and fans and artistic activities which I will resume in Mid December .
We need the support of our fans and friends to continue with our mission and keep presenting these unique and powerful programs in the United States and Italy.
Why We Need Your Support:
We have many wonderful artistic projects planned for next year, including the promotion of the film in festivals and univeristies with live concerts, music and dance productions, online classes plus educational programs in Italy.
As ongoing operating costs have increased, I Giullari di Piazza needs funding to make it through this challenging time, and continue performing and teaching through next year. Our vision is to spread these healing and folkloric traditions from Southern Italy as far and wide as we can, both live and online.
On December 28 we will celebrate our 44th anniversary at the newly opened Italian American Museum.
This will be such a special celebration of over four decades of work for I Giullari di Piazza, who has also performed at Carnegie Hall, Lincoln Center and Symphony Space, to name but a few.
This joyous evening will include excerpts of the famous production the Christmas show LA CANTATA DEI PASTORI ", including Neapolitan and Sicilian Renaissance Christmas Music, written in the 17th century by Andrea Perrucci and still performed annually in the environs of Naples. Musical version adapted and directed by artistic directo Alessandra Belloni Music by John La Barbera - Performed in Italian, Neapolitan and Sicilian.
Featuring narration by LA BEFANA the Italian Christmas witch.

Alessandra Belloni - Artistic Director, Percussions and Vocals in the role of Mary - John La Barbera - Music Director, Composer, Guitar, Mandolin, Chitarra Battente- Sebastian La Barbera - mandolin, Mara Gerety - Violin - Steve Gorn - Bansuri Flutes, Saxophones, Clarinet - Dancers - Peter de Geronimo, Danielle Marie Fusco - Summer Minerva - in the role of LA BEFANA
Enrico Granafei - vocals, int he role of the fisherman
During this special event will also be honoring:
4-time Emmy Award winner Mickela Mallozzi, producer and director of the TV series Travel Barefeet
Marialena Giampino, Director of Italian Charities of America
; Domenic Giampino, President of Italian Charities of America; AJ and FatherCarmelo Gagliardi.

If you can not attend the fund raiser you can also donate to our non profit by clicking on tis campaign . If you need a tax deduction this is a good cause!
OUR GOAL IS TO RAISE $ 5,000 BY DECEMBER 31st, 2024.
Disclaimer: Please note that no giveaways, perks, or promotions are offered in exchange for any donations made to this campaign.
Your generous donation will enable us to produce and effectively market and promote the performances of all our productions, pay adequate administration salaries and artists’ fees and technical crew, and the high costs of virtual online platforms of the following projects in 2025 to name a few:
1. “MUSICAL JOURNEYS WITH THE BLACK MADONNA IN SOUTHERN ITALY” WORLD PREMIERE FILM SCREENING (February 6th, 2025) at Casa Italiana Zerilli Marimo (New York University), followed by a live concert presentation. (Other screenings are planned through 2025, as well as festival and unversities)
2. “SACRED DRUMMING FOR SEVEN BLACK MADONNAS” (May 16 2025) at The Cathedral of St. John the Divine, where we are artists-in-residence.
3. “TARANTELLE E CANTI D’AMORE” (October 2025) and ‘LA CANTATA DI NATALE” December 2025, at the Italian American Museum (New York City), for Italian Heritage Month.and at the ITALIAN CHARITIES OF AMERICA in Queens.
4. Special Summer intensives in Italy, and live workshops in the New York Tri-State area/regional United States, as part of our school “THE CENTER FOR THE BLACK MADONNA.”
As we are planning these series of classes and presentations for people all over the world, to experience and learn this ancient and powerful practice and the richness of Southern Italian culture we are in need of funding to pay artists and personnel as well as buy technical equipment for our on going projects.
I Giullari di Piazza is a non profit corporation and all donations are tax deductible.
Wishing you wonderful holidays,
Blessings on all your journeys,
Alessandra Belloni, Artistic Director

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5 supporters