Ramon Montoya is fundraising

Pastor Ramon Walks For Children
Pastor Ramon Montoya is the Senior Pastor at Iglesia en la Calle and N.A.N.A. Ministry. For over a year Pastor Ramon planned a fundraiser walk from Phoenix Arizona to Nogales Sonora Mexico, walking a total of 40 miles per day. He will start his fundraiser walk on Friday 9/15 and will walk until 9/21. This fundraiser was established to support the completion of the construction of the first phase of The Children's Dream Center in Nogales Sonora Mexico. The organization that Pastor Ramon co-founded with Pastora Theresa Montoya called N.A.N.A. Mininstry, was established to rescue, restore, rebuild and reunite children and their families. If met, Pastors goal will fund the remaining phases of the Children's Dream Center including the missionary quarters. Connect with this ministry at www.nanaministry.org.
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18 supporters