Help IHS Marching Band Replace Stolen Gear

The Irvington Viking Marching Band and Guard is primarily funded through student and parent donations, with minimal financial support from our school. Despite this, our program remains one of the best in Northern California, regularly winning top awards and sweepstakes in competition. But our limited funding means we continue to use old equipment and uniforms across seasons. We are rarely able to replace equipment, much less large amounts of it on short notice.
Regardless of whether you’re affiliated with us, from the city, or just a kind stranger who happened to see our post, we hope you can be a part of getting us back on our feet—marching, playing, and spreading the joy of music. Whether you donate, share our story, or both, you can keep our decades-long tradition on the street and field alive. And when you do, the next time you hear our Viking Marching Band and Guard rolling down the street, you can smile knowing you helped make that possible. We’ll be forever thankful.
If you've never watched us before, here's a video of us in competition last year:
Thanks again for your support. You can find more of us at ihsvikings.org/band.
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