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Infant Welfare Society of Evanston, Inc. (Iwse) logo

Infant Welfare Society of Evanston, Inc. (Iwse)

Infant Welfare Society of Evanston 's mission is to deliver exceptional care and education for infants and young children and supp...Learn more

Infant Welfare Society of Evanston, Inc. (Iwse) logo

About Infant Welfare Society of Evanston, Inc. (Iwse)

Infant Welfare Society of Evanston 's mission is to deliver exceptional care and education for infants and young children and support families' efforts to be effective parents and advocates in their child's learning and development

2200 Main StreetEvanston, IL 60202


Out-patient medical care, Human services



Tax ID


NTEE code

Kindergarten, Nursery Schools, Preschool, Early Admissions

Infant Welfare Society of Evanston, Inc. (Iwse) is a 501(c)(3) public charity, EIN 36-2167753. Donations are tax-deductible. Select content is provided by GuideStar.

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