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International Commission for Dalit Rights

ICDR International is a 501 (c) 3 Tax exempt, global policy advocacy and networking organization leading a global movement of peop...Learn more

International Commission for Dalit Rights logo

About International Commission for Dalit Rights

ICDR International is a 501 (c) 3 Tax exempt, global policy advocacy and networking organization leading a global movement of people striving to eliminate Caste or Work and Descent-based Discrimination (CWDD), inequality and injustice. ICDR defends and promotes the dignity and rights of underprivileged, marginalized and Dalit people worldwide. We provide public services for underprivileged, marginalized and Dalit people both in the U.S. and in South Asia. It provides public interest legal and policy services through campaigning, networking, collaborating, and promoting dialogues between policy-makers, civil societies and diverse communities. Objectives a) Increase public understanding of and respect for the constitutional and international human rights laws, obligations, and hold governments accountable under law. b) Work for equality, diversity, socio-political inclusion, equal opportunity, including human rights, affirmative legal policies, and meaningful access to justice for all people. c) Eliminate caste or descent and All Forms of discrimination, inequality and injustice in all levels and all sectors, including public and private. d) Promote the dignity and rights of underprivileged, marginalized, Dalits, minorities, and all people in all levels. e) Provide benefits, programs and services which promote members’ or allies’ institutional and professional growth and quality of service and life. f) Provide and promote pro-bono public interest services by the legal and other professions.

1751 Pinnacle Dr.,McLean, VA 22102


Human services, Community and economic development, Human rights



Tax ID


NTEE code

Civil Rights, Advocacy for Specific Groups

International Commission for Dalit Rights is a 501(c)(3) public charity, EIN 26-2403135. Donations are tax-deductible. Select content is provided by GuideStar.

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