Ian Vacin is fundraising

Help Irvington HS sports replace stolen equipment
On New Year's Eve, vandals broke into the locked shipping container (see photo) housing the Irvington High School softball team's equipment including the John Deere utility vehicle used to maintain the fields. With already little to no funds provided to the high school sports program from the public school district, we need the public's help to replace the field maintenance, practice and workout equipment.
The Irvington High School softball team offers the opportunity to girls from all backgrounds and situations to be well-rounded students and to have a safe, constructive environment to grow into the young women that we all want them to become. After having the program shutdown for three years, last year was the first year back and the team has grown from 16 players to now over 30 players.
Please help to allow for the program to continue (and to grow). We are raising the money through the Irvington High School Booster Club, and ANY donation will help make an impact. Thanks in advance for your contribution (and don't forget to do a corporate match if available). It means so much to me and to all the girls (past, present and future): https://www.instagram.com/irvingtonsoftball/
For more information about Irvington High Booster Club: https://sites.google.com/view/ihs-athletic-boosters/
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31 supporters