Our community, led by Rabbi David Zaslow, is keeping the Jewish Renewal legacy of Reb Zalman zt"l and Reb Aryeh z"l alive in southern Oregon, California, Arizona, Washington and even Canada. Reb David is retiring this June and a young, newly ordained Jewish Renewal, Rabbi Rachel Dorit Goldberg, will carry the torch.
Please contribute in honor of Reb David and all he's given to our community since he became our spiritual leader in 1996, and to ensure that our community remains strong and vibrant.
Reb David writes,
"Each autumn the Havurah sends out this end-of-year request for donations that will carry us through the rest of our year. Why is this year different from all other years? At our recent high holiday services I mentioned that these would be the last Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur services that I would be leading as the rabbi of the Havurah. And the same is true of this request for your tax-deductible financial support.
Next year, God willing, I'll be rabbi emeritus of the Havurah, and Rabbi Rachel Dorit Goldberg will be the spiritual leader of our wonderful Jewish Renewal synagogue. You'll see her signature at the bottom of next year’s fundraising drive.
In this time of year, so close to Thanksgiving, I am so thankful to each of you who have supported our community for so many years. From helping people to deepen their connections to G-d, Torah, and Israel, to our ongoing educational outreach in the greater local community concerning the explosion of antisemitism that we've seen throughout the world.
Maybe the most important thing we do is to fulfill the commandment of keeping Judaism alive and meaningful dor l’dor, generation to generation. Since 1985 the Havurah has carved out a special place for itself in southern Oregon. We’re known for our inspiring interfaith activities, as well as for offering services and adult education classes that make Jewish spiritual practices more relevant than ever in our world that is so divided.
Once again we come to you in this time of year, so close to Thanksgiving and Hanukah, for your financial support. We’re all getting end-of-year solicitations from so many worthy charities, and we hope that the Havurah will be on your list, and we can count on you for your gift.
In deep gratitude,
Rabbi David Zaslow