The State of Alaska and United States Government are permitting a Canadian company to carryout mineral exploration and mining activities in the Chilkat Valley Watershed, near Haines Alaska, approximately 17 miles from the Village of Klukwan. The Chilkat Indian Village is raising money to address mining actions that pose a serious threat to Tribal Member’s subsistence based economies, spiritual beliefs and practices, health and well being. Your contribution will help the Tribe with water quality monitoring of the impacted river systems and work to engage the State of Alaska and the US government in meaningful consultation.
Why We Need Your Help
Water Quality Monitoring: In Alaska, it is the responsibility of the state to ensure that industrial wastewater meets water quality standards, and that these discharges do not contaminate our waterways. There is an immediate need to record baseline conditions in the Chilkat River watershed because the State of Alaska has not done so. This baseline data set is necessary to set meaningful permit limits, monitoring standards and provide a point of reference that can guide reclamation efforts. It takes 5 years to develop a baseline data set. The cost to collect one year of water quality data is $29,000.00. CIV is seeking $8,000.00 to support monitoring in 2020.
Government Consultation: The US government and the State of Alaska have committed to consult with Federally recognized Tribes in a meaningful and timely manner regarding policies and actions that have tribal implications. Unfortunately, in the case of Constantine’s Palmer Project, both the US Government and the State of Alaska have failed in this commitment. In order to address this, CIV’s Tribal Council is working to establish meaningful government-to-government consultation to ensure our voice is heard. The cost to carry out government-to-government consultation efforts can be up to $20,000.00 depending on travel costs and legal consultation fees. CIV is seeking $4,000.00 to support consultation efforts in 2020.
Donation Info
Donations are tax deductible via Jilkaat Kwaan Heritage Center. All proceeds go directly to the Chilkat Indian Village. This is an ongoing fundraising campaign. There are no minimum or maximum limits for GoFundMe fundraisers.
Watch the Film
Click to watch the trailer of "ROCK-PAPER-FISH", a new film about the Chilkat Watershed.
Bald Eagles on the Chilkat River
Photo: Brian Rivera Uncapher
Spawning Sockeye Salmon
Photo: Connor Gallagher
Carving in Klukwan
Photo: Colin Arisman
Constantine Metal Resources - Mineral Exploration
Photo: Annie Nyborg
The Village of Klukwan - Photographed from the Chilkat River
Photo: Connor Gallagher
Sockeye Salmon Spawning Habitat
Photo: Connor Gallagher
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