Carla Dodson is fundraising

Holiday Gifts for Henley and WAHS Families 2024
The Giving Tree will support approximately 150 children, including Henley & WAHS students plus siblings, this holiday season. The counselors at Henley Middle School and Western Albemarle High School identified these families, who remain anonymous to Giving Tree organizers, as those most in need of community support. Due to health & safety concerns, we are opting to solicit funds to purchase gift cards, allowing families to do their own shopping. Our campaign will run from mid-November until Friday, December 6th.
How can I contribute?
Click "Donate" to make your gift online today! Or, you may donate by cash or check to "Henley PaTSO." Due to ongoing mail delays, please consider dropping off your check at Henley Middle School, 5880 Rockfish Gap Turnpike, Crozet, VA 22932. If you'd like to send via mail, please notify us that the check has been sent.
How much should I donate?
Any amount helps! To sponsor a single child, donate $100. To sponsor an average-sized family, donate $300.
Do I need to "tip"?
When you donate via GoFundMe, you will be prompted to add an optional tip. This tip is truly optional, with funds going to the technology platform provider (who we do appreciate!) and not to families or PaTSO.
Who is organizing this fundraiser?
This Giving Tree is organized by Henley & WAHS parent volunteers in partnership with local community organizations. The online fundraiser is hosted by PaTSO, the PTO that supports Henley Middle School. Donations to the PaTSO 501(c)(3) are tax-deductible, and all funds will be used for the exclusive purpose of this 2024 Giving Tree.
Can my community organization contribute?
Yes! We welcome donations from partners in our community, including churches, private clubs, neighborhood groups or any other organization willing to support local families! See our FAQs for detailed information.
Who do I contact with questions?
See our FAQ's at
or contact parent volunteer Carla Dodson using the "Contact" button below.
Thank you for your support!
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106 supporters