Organized by Just For Humanity, Inc.
Establish a computer lab and creative learning facility
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Just For Humanity's mission: Educating and Empowering Children Globally
Support us to establish a computer lab and creative learning facility
Computer programming and digital and creative technology skills are vitally important in today’s digital age. We would therefore like to set up a computer lab and creative learning center so that the children we support in Kolkata, India can learn these skills and others including music recording and production, photo and video editing, gaming and programming. These skills are rarely taught pre-college in underserved communities and, by providing the children with computing and tech based creative skills education, we will help empower their path out of poverty.
Cost - USD 9,000 - this covers the set-up costs including laptops, speakers, peripherals (keyboards, mouse), pocket drum kits and the cost of part-time specialist teachers. The cost in year two and beyond will be about USD 3,500 for teacher salaries, equipment maintenance and replacement parts.
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