Jessica Greenwalt is fundraising
Suicide Education and Prevention
COLD PLUNGE CHALLENGE TO BREAK THE STIGMA OF MENTAL HEALTH There are many health benefits to cold therapy but how does it correlate with depression and suicide? When we are stressed out in life we must have the ability to overcome that emotion so we don’t make a permanent decision on a temporary feeling. It is challenging to emerge ourselves in cold water, but this teaches us how to breathe through and handle stress better. The challenge is a metaphor for being able to overcome difficult emotions and situations like cold therapy! SOCIAL MEDIA EXAMPLE: My name is Jessica and I am doing this challenge in honor of my dad and brother who I lost to suicide. I pledge to (ROAR) REACH OUT AND RISE AND GET HELP IF I am struggling with my mental health. I challenge Whitney Johns, Amanda Tolley, Rebecca Adams, Ashlee Newburn ect… Make sure to tag those you challenge and please don’t forget to donate to this worthy cause!!
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2 supporters