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Keep Brownwood Beautiful (Keep Brownwood Beautiful) logoVerified

Keep Brownwood Beautiful (Keep Brownwood Beautiful)

The mission of KBB is to empower the citizens of Brownwood through education and participation to take responsibility for their co...Learn more

Keep Brownwood Beautiful (Keep Brownwood Beautiful) logo

About Keep Brownwood Beautiful (Keep Brownwood Beautiful)

The mission of KBB is to empower the citizens of Brownwood through education and participation to take responsibility for their community environment.

PO Box 1105Brownwood, TX 76804


Community improvement, Community beautification



Verified on GoFundMe


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NTEE code

Environmental Quality, Protection, and Beautification N.E.C.

Keep Brownwood Beautiful (Keep Brownwood Beautiful) is a 501(c)(3) public charity, EIN 75-2004836. Donations are tax-deductible. Select content is provided by GuideStar.

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