Have you ever witnessed a desperate mother, helpless to soothe her crying, hungry baby?
There is a crisis at the border that I have seen with my own eyes. A crisis that we can do something about. Yes, you have read the newspapers and are probably tired of hearing about this issue. But I have spent time in one tiny little pocket on the border, and there IS something we can do to make a difference.
I am asking you today to donate to Kino Border Initiative, located in Nogales, Arizona and Nogales, Sonora, Mexico. They perform necessary, essential work, providing for the growing number of people who have been deported to Nogales, separated from their children, from their spouses, people experiencing abuses in the desert or the streets of Nogales, many lost, disoriented, and starving. KBI gives them food, clothing, some monetary assistance, and as much shelter as they can muster for the women and children at Nazareth House, all the while reminding them that they matter.
I am asking for donations today because I have worked alongside KBI as a volunteer recently for over a month, and know they desperately need money for food. Local volunteers are reliable and enthusiastic. Groups such as the Samaritans and No More Deaths (to name but a couple) generously donate their time, clothing, medical supplies, and food but the amount of food they go through in a day is staggering: 70 kilos of tortillas, 50 kilos of rice and 50 kilos of beans and the food still runs out because so many people keep coming. KBI volunteers keep diving into the refrigerator until everyone is fed.
I plan on going back there next year, to volunteer. It is the least I can do to reach out to you and ask for any assistance you can offer to help this dedicated Mission. Yes it was lonely, scary and exhausting but I have never felt so happy and alive as when I was speaking to a mother or brother, holding a baby, playing with the children, and most of all, listen to these folks tell me over and over again how much they appreciate what we are doing for them, and they would not have made it this far without us. The nuns, priests, and volunteers I interacted with every day have given their lives to this endeavor - I salute them and feel honored and privileged to have been allowed to work next to them.
This organization is wonderful because they do so much with so little. The staff is very lean, and they rely only on volunteers to help them. No volunteer gets paid. It is not a large bureaucracy, and every dollar goes to the displaced families needs. It was an honor for me to work with Srs. Maria Engracia, Cecelia, Alicia & Maribel, who devote their lives to ensuring these families are fed, clothed and protected as much as possible from the cartels and coyotes.
Let me end with two thoughts:
1) I HATE asking for money but I am doing so because I have seen the good work that the Kino Border Initiative does and know that they keep those they serve from starvation and abuse.
2) This is not a political issue. It is a humanitarian one. Think of your own families. You would do anything to protect them. These people need our help.
$20, $50, $100… anything you give will help put food on the table.
Thank you so much.
For more information, please visit www.kinoborderinitiative.org