Kitty Queen Cat Rescue - New BUILDING Fund!
Providing the homeless, abandoned, feral, and unwanted cats in our community with shelter, food, vet care, and a second chance at life is paramount to our mission at Kitty Queen Cat Rescue. For the last 2 years, we’ve worked in rain & snow, at airports and behind dumpsters, from early in the morning to middle of the night, to perform critical rescues of cats and kittens in need.
We have been able to rescue, provide vet care, offer shelter, food, and rehabilitation for over 250 cats in less than 24 months. We operate our rescue at a “Cat Lounge” in Kennedy Township currently. It’s a little 900 sq. ft. room that features a comfortable living room set up where all of our adoptable cats can hang out, crate-free, while they wait to meet their new forever humans. We also have some amazing fosters who dedicate their home & time to care for our cats and kittens who aren’t quite ready for adoption.
It’s become apparent in the last 6 months that we have quickly outgrown our space and would be able to do more for the cats (and humans) in our community if we had more space to hold felines in need. We have found a wonderful building on Steubenville Pike that we would like to purchase. With nearly 3,000 sq. ft. it would allow us to set up the “Lounge” where we could continue to hold the community events like Yoga with Cats and Cats & Crafts Night, while also providing a space for a kitten nursery for our neonate intakes, a mini clinic for any critical cats that come across our path, and a feral room where we can hold our community cats temporarily after we provide Trap-Neuter-Return vet care for these high-risk felines.
We are incredibly dedicated to the community and want to stay where we do our work. We have recently begun a TNR program for McKees Rocks, Sheradon, Crafton, Robinson Twp, West End and Kennedy Twp, where we have our volunteers out trapping feral community cats so they can be neutered & vaccinated and returned healthy and happy to their outdoor homes - all with the funds we raise and to no cost for residents. Being in the community is important to us which is why we’ve searched for months to find the perfect building.
We know you are a big part of this community and we are hopeful you would like to join us in our goal to provide a great service to both the local felines & their human caretakers by choosing to be one of our Corporate Sponsors. Our goal is to raise $50,000 in 3 months so we can get the 20% down payment for the new Kitty Queen Cat Rescue building. We are thankful to receive absolutely any amount towards this goal, and we will use every penny donated to the “Building Fund” to create the perfect space to operate our important rescue responsibilities. To show our sincere gratitude, we are offering special sponsorship packages with unique gifts to commemorate your support for our cause.
• $500 Bronze - Name placed on our Corporate Sponsorship plaque + 10 free passes to the Cat Lounge
• $1000 Silver - Name engraved on a brick in our reception area + 15 free passes
• $2500 Gold - Name engraved on a brick in our reception area + 5 two-year memberships to the Cat Lounge + a private tour of the new building before the grand opening + the honor of naming one of our royal felines
• $5000 Diamond - Name engraved on a brick in our reception area + 10 two-year memberships to the Cat Lounge + a private sponsorship party at the new building + and the honor of naming one of the five new areas of the rescue building
We can accept cash, checks, PayPal, and credit cards and since we are a 501c3 Non-Profit Corporation, all of your donations are tax deductible.
You can donate via:
PayPal (just denote "building fund")
Checks via mail:
1789 Pine Hollow Rd
Suite 5
Mc Kees Rocks, PA 15136
OR feel free to email or message us for more info. We can do this amazing thing for cats!!!! Can you help us?
We LOVE cats. Seriously! We love cats more than most people. That's why we help them! Our rescue has been operating for almost 2 years and we've had the incredible opportunity of operating the Cat Lounge for the past year. We spend all of our time and effort helping stray, sick, and homeless cats find new, loving "furever" homes. But, we've quickly outgrown our building.
We are starting a building campaign, so we can raise the funds necessary to expand into a location that offers us the opportunity to house a kitten nursery, the Cat Lounge/Adoption Center, a "Sick" ward, and a feral area where we can assist with feral relocation.
In the past year, we have vetted and helped over 200 cats. And that's with our current space. Could you imagine how we could be of service with a larger space and more holding areas? Being a nonprofit, we don't have a lot of financing options, especially with being on the newer side. We run COMPLETELY on donations to pay our rent, our utility bills, our vet bills, and purchase food & supplies. We've managed to do a wonderful job at raising funds to support our rescue's endeavors but we could be of so much more help and assist hundreds more cats per year if we had the proper space.
We've worked hard to provide a community service to our lovely neighbors so want to continue our work in the Kennedy, Robinson, Mc Kees Rocks neighborhoods. We have scouted out some buildings and land we can use for our new location. Every dollar raised with this campaign will be used to fund the new building. If we manage to raise over what we need, all extra moneys will be used towards vet bills, holding spay/neuter clinics in the neighborhood, and extending care to our homeless feline friends.