Dear Friends,
We’re reaching out to our Bloomingdale Neighborhood History Group community to ask for your help by sending us a donation.
We are a small group of neighbors who banded together 20 years ago to dig deeper into the local history of our region of the Upper West Side. During these years, we’ve made a commitment to discover, explore, preserve, and share that history.
Our public programs, from Zoom presentations to walking tours, are free and open to all. We maintain a website featuring past and upcoming events, a Building Database, and other helpful information, and also publish a blog and a newsletter. We house a collection of materials at the Bloomingdale Branch of the New York Public Library on West 100th Street.
Perhaps you have enjoyed an evening watching our neighborhood revealed in the movies made on our streets or learning about the history of Riverside or Central Parks.
Perhaps you’ve used our Building Database to find out more about your own home. Maybe our research helped you discover some local architectural gems or the origin of place names.
In the past, our “fundraising” was a donation basket on the check-in table at our public presentations at Hostelling International New York. That source vanished as we moved to Zoom events during the past three years.
Now we are reaching out to you to help us fund ongoing expenses and special projects. For example, we are: working with our NYPD precinct on a project to create, print, mount, and frame some history panels for the station house; starting a project that involves accessing and analyzing historic census data; and preparing materials for digital media. As we take on larger projects, our need for financial support increases.
We are able to process donations through a Go Fund Me site created in partnership with the non-profit Columbus-Amsterdam Business Improvement District (Lenape Bloemendael District Management Association), making your donation fully tax-deductible.
Thank you in advance for your donation. We know that there are many requests for your support and we appreciate that you consider ours.
Sincerely yours,
The Bloomingdale Neighborhood History Group Planning Committee
Winifred Armstrong Michael Gonzalez Angel Roman
Peter Arndtsen John Gorham Gil Tauber
Stephanie Azzarone Nancy Macagno Pam Tice
Marjorie Cohen Jim Mackin Vita Wallace
Rob Garber Batya Miller