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Life Pacific University

Life Pacific University is a WSCUC and ABHE accredited institution of biblical higher education existing for the transformational ...Learn more

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About Life Pacific University

Life Pacific University is a WSCUC and ABHE accredited institution of biblical higher education existing for the transformational development of students into leaders prepared to serve God in the Church, the workplace, and the world. We believe that a biblically centered-education is transformative and will prepare students for effective careers and fruitful ministry with within the church and the marketplace. With a concentration of outstanding faculty, high-quality academics, preparation for careers, global experiences, and competitive tuition, LPU ensures that each student will be equipped to live out their bold dreams.

1100 West Covina BoulevardSan Dimas, CA 91773


Vocational post-secondary education, Undergraduate education, University education, Business education, Social work education, Teacher education, Alumni relations, Student retention, E-learning



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Higher Education Institutions

Life Pacific University is a 501(c)(3) public charity, EIN 95-1684068. Donations are tax-deductible. Select content is provided by GuideStar.

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