Little River Community School
Mission - Little River Community School is a democratic school serving students in grades K-12, in a four-classroom schoolhouse, i...Learn more
About Little River Community School
Mission - Little River Community School is a democratic school serving students in grades K-12, in a four-classroom schoolhouse, in Canton, NY. At Little River, we have a fundamental trust in children and their inherent motivation to learn about their world. Our approach nurtures self-motivation and is characterized by the following: Multi-age groups Commitment to nonviolence and nondiscrimination Cooperation Community involvement Appreciation of our natural and physical world Hands-on activities Children are given the opportunity to embark on their quest for knowledge and understanding at their own pace. We provide many resources for this journey, including experience, support, encouragement, a variety of hands-on learning materials and opportunities for field trips. With a student-teacher ratio of 8:1, we create the "one-room school house" model where students of all ages work together.
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Elementary and secondary education
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Elementary, Secondary Ed
Little River Community School is a 501(c)(3) public charity, EIN 16-1559688. Donations are tax-deductible. Select content is provided by GuideStar.
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