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Little Smiles, Inc. logoVerified

Little Smiles, Inc.

Little Smiles’s mission is to help kids escape the reality of their unfortunate circumstances, even if it’s for a short period of ...Learn more

Little Smiles, Inc. logo

About Little Smiles, Inc.

Little Smiles’s mission is to help kids escape the reality of their unfortunate circumstances, even if it’s for a short period of time. our main goal is to put a smile back on their faces. We respond to the needs of the children, and provide whatever we can to make a child’s day a little brighter. LS kids range in age from toddlers to young adults in local hospitals, hospices, and shelters. Most of the children LS assists have life altering illnesses although LS reviews and honor as many requests as possible in an effort to assist all children that need relief. Little Smiles requests are facilitated through the nurses, social workers, and healthcare professionals who work hands on with these children and have a unique insight into each child's needs.

1325 N Congress Ave Ste 205West Palm Beach, FL 33401


Patient social services



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Children's and Youth Services

Little Smiles, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) public charity, EIN 65-0963754. Donations are tax-deductible. Select content is provided by GuideStar.

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