Adi Vaxman is fundraising

Operation Israel - Save Our Heroes NOW!!
Operation Israel: Save Our Heroes - Israel NEEDS US NOW!
Dear Friends,
We find ourselves in a time of heart-wrenching tragedy, as terror has unleashed its fury upon the innocent lives in Israel since October 7th. As the skies darken with the smoke of hatred, we, a group of Israelis residing in New Jersey, Florida, California, and Massachusetts, many of us veteran IDF soldiers and officers, are uniting to illuminate hope amidst the despair. Our family members are fighting valiantly on the front lines, defending the sacred soil of Israel from the vile clutches of terror. In the past few days, many among us have lost loved ones to this horrendous act of terror that has shaken the core of humanity.
Dozens of both combat units on the front lines and civil defense forces in the attacked towns and cities have reached out to us, their voices trembling with the urgency of need, yet steady with unyielding resolve. They are in dire need of basic gear and personal equipment to continue their noble mission of safeguarding peace and justice.
Our hearts bleed as we stand oceans apart, yet our spirit of solidarity surges stronger than ever. We have organized a monumental operation to procure the necessary gear and, with the kind assistance of El Al and local Israeli-owned shipping vendors, we are set to transport these crucial shipments to Israel and distribute them directly to the brave souls on the front lines.
In this somber hour, we implore you to open your hearts and extend your hands in support. Every dollar you contribute will resonate through the pages of history as a testament to the indomitable spirit of unity and hope, as a beacon of light in the engulfing darkness. Your donation celebrates the unbeatable spirit of Israel and the enduring resilience of the Jewish people.
We are honored to have the support of Lubavitch of Cambridge, who have graciously agreed to assist our fundraising operation. Together, with hearts intertwined, we will transcend the venomous clouds of terror, and reignite the skies with the eternal flames of hope, courage, and love.
May our collective effort echo through the annals of time, as a resounding declaration of our unwavering solidarity, our boundless love for our homeland, and our relentless pursuit of peace.
עוד לא אבדה תקוותנו
התקווה בת שנות אלפיים
להיות עם חופשי בארצנו
ארץ ציון, ירושלים
Please be assured that we are coordinating with official sources to validate the identity and necessity of every unit reaching out to us for aid. This meticulous validation ensures that our funds and efforts are utilized in the most impactful way. The distribution of resources in Israel will be conducted and overseen by "Brothers in Arms." Your trust and support are paramount in making a significant impact during these trying times.
With deepest gratitude,
Team Operation Israel
Adi Vaxman - Fair Lawn, NJ
Amit Schilgi - Lunenburg, MA
Ari Solomon - Los Angeles, CA
Arielle Dabbah - Geneva, Switzerland
Asher Zlotnik - New York, NY
Assaf Madar - Parkland, FL
Daniel Gold - Ottawa, Canada
Daniel Tamir - Los Angeles, CA
Dimitri Kermani - Los Angeles, CA
Elon Zlotnik - Los Angeles, CA
Gil Friedrich - Great Neck, NY
Guy Drori - Saddle Brook, NJ
Iris Bunim - Fair Lawn, NJ
Isabella Sherbatova - Fair Lawn, NJ
Max Levin - Los Angeles, CA
Meirav Jacobi - Tel Aviv, Israel
Or Steiner - El Al Israel Airlines
Pazit Bitton - Los Angeles, CA
Rabbi Hirschy Zarchi - Cambridge, MA
Raphael Tamman - Geneva, Switzerland
Reut Friedrich - Great Neck, NY
Roee Yifrach - Cambridge, MA
Ronen Magid - Fair Lawn, NJ
Sagi Barzilay - Los Angeles, CA
Shani Kedem - Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Yossi Nasser - Tel Aviv, Israel
בימים קשים אלה אנו, ישראלים תושבי ניו ג'רזי, פלורידה ומסצ'וסטס, שכואבים את הכאב שבארץ ועוקבים בחרדה אחר המראות הקשים והזוועות שתושבי ישראל, ויקירינו ביניהם, חווים על בשרם, מנסים להושיט יד ולעזור מרחוק.
קיבלנו עשרות פניות מחיילים ומפקדים בשטח, וכן מכיתות כוננות ביישובים ובערים המעורבות, שזועקים על מחסור חמור בציוד אישי בסיסי שנחוץ להם כל כך.
ימי לחימה ארוכים לפנינו, ואל לנו לעמוד מנגד. עזרו לנו לעזור לחיילינו להגן על עצמם ולהילחם על הבית ועל המולדת.
נודה לכם על כל תרומה לרכישת הציוד הדרוש, שילוחו ארצה ופיזורו בין היחידות השונות.
לא מיותר לציין כי אנו נעזרים בגורמים בארץ כדי לוודא שהציוד יגיע למקומות הנכונים, וכי מאחורי כל בקשת תרומה אכן עומדת היחידה שעליה הוצהר בטופס הבקשה. בנוסף, חלוקת הציוד בארץ תבוצע ע"י ארגון "אחים לנשק".
זה גם המקום להודות לחב"ד הרווארד שמסייעים לנו באופרציית ההתרמה.
יחד ננצח!
The intent of our campaign is to provide essential items for the well-being and comfort of the soldiers amidst challenging conditions. Below are items we were asked to provide:
1. Underwear
2. Socks
3. Flashlights
4. Power banks/phone chargers
5. Shoes/boots
6. Gloves
7. Thermal undershirts and underpants
8. Personal hygiene items for men and women
9. Water bottles
10. CAT Tourniquets
11. Laryngoscopes
12. Portable Ultrasound
13. Masks and Eye protection
14. Wind and rain jackets and pants
15. Neck Warmers
16. Hoodies and fleeces
17. Quick clot gauze
18. Sleeping bags
19. Warming blankets
20. Medic bags
21. Capnometers and Capnographs
22. Pulse oximeter
23. Blood pressure cuffs
24. First aid kits
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175 supporters