Nadia Noman is fundraising
Marwah Academy, Hifz & Islamic School
This Ramadan, we are appealing to you to participate in our fundraising campaign for $50,000 ($140 per day), which covers our yearly rent, utilities, and insurance.
We accept sadaqah, zakat, and donations. May Allah (SWT) reward you and your family abundantly for all your good deeds.
Respected Brothers & Sisters
As Salamu Alaikum,
We wish you and your family afiyah, mercy and blessings of Allah (SWT). May our patience and prayers take us closer to Allah (SWT).
Marwah Academy is an Islamic school providing 360-degree education to our brilliant kids. Our pioneering Hifz-programme offers comprehensive support to children while also helping them grow closer to Allah (SWT) through learning and memorizing the Holy Qur’an, along with Islamic religious guidance that is proven to have a lasting impact on the lives of Muslim American children. Alhamdulillah during the last couple of years many of our students have graduated as Huffaz which has prepared them for excellence in their careers and their aim of serving the community.
Like every batch, this year too we have a batch of 30 students in the Hifz Program. Among them, 7 kids are from less privileged families whose parents are not able to bear the cost of tuition fee for the Hifz Program. We are reaching out to you as a seeker of goodness. This is a golden opportunity to participate in a program with far-reaching benefits in this world and hereafter.
The Prophet (saw) said: “The best of you are those who learn the Qur’an and teach it to others.” [Bukhari]
You can sponsor a kid to become a Hafiz of the Holy Qur’an for just $10 a day. With your support of just $300 per month of tuition fees, you can aid them on their journey to becoming a Hafiz of the Holy Qur’an and give them the quality care they need to build brighter futures.
With a sponsorship of $3600, you can cover the fees of one year for a Hifz kid and all it takes is $21000 to cover all our 7 future Huffaz for the entire year. Our comprehensive Hifz program gives children the skills needed to succeed in later life with character building, tarbeeyyah, mathematics, science and literature. All in a positive, fun, and enriching environment.
JazakaAllahu khairan
Sharfuddin Nadwi
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19 supporters