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Melodic Connections Incorporated (Melodic Connections) logo

Melodic Connections Incorporated (Melodic Connections)

Melodic Connections is a community music studio serving all ages and abilities. We use music as a tool for change in the lives of...Learn more

Melodic Connections Incorporated (Melodic Connections) logo

About Melodic Connections Incorporated (Melodic Connections)

Melodic Connections is a community music studio serving all ages and abilities. We use music as a tool for change in the lives of the people we serve and the communities they are a part of. Through the facilitation of music, we will help people see the humanity in each other, moving toward more inclusive communities that are change agents for the city. When people are brought together through active music making, we believe minds will be opened and new perspectives will emerge.

6940 Plainfield RoadCincinnati, OH 45236


Music, Community and economic development



Tax ID


NTEE code

Arts, Cultural Organizations - Multipurpose

Melodic Connections Incorporated (Melodic Connections) is a 501(c)(3) public charity, EIN 26-3815913. Donations are tax-deductible. Select content is provided by GuideStar.

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