Selfridge lost a true friend of the Wing this past weekend, and for me, the closest tie remaining to my wife’s great-uncle’s history in the 107th FS; God rest his soul as well. Memorial Day will now mean even more to us in the years moving forward, as I continue to serve in their stead. In light of these losses, I’m here to ask that you join me in raising funds to benefit The Michigan Air Guard Historical Association, per Lou’s request. All contributions will serve to sustain the Air Museum at Selfridge, that he poured so much of himself into.
The Selfridge Military Air Museum is an all-volunteer, non-profit organization, and Lou’s hand, seen and unseen, has been foundational to the museum’s success. My personal connection to him came when I swung through, as a young enlisted Airman assigned to the unit, to inquire about a former flier, and eventual Squadron Commander at the 107th. No sooner than I could utter the second syllable, as I mentioned “Milton Riggs“, Colonel Nigro exclaimed “YOU’RE TALKING ABOUT UNCLE MILTY?!” And then, no $#!+ there I was, in the presence of a combat comrade, and close friend, of the great-uncle I’d just come to know and admire through my wife’s family.
And so way back then, Lou gave to me that afternoon, an envelope filled with archived black-and-white photos of Uncle Milt, both in-garrison and in-cockpit, so that I might share them with the family, only months before the nation lost yet another Airman, leader, and to me: role model, in “Uncle Milty” himself.
So if I might: “Here's a toast, to the host, of those who love, the vastness of the sky. To a friend, we send, a message of his brother, men who fly...”
Please join me in helping to sustain Lieutenant Colonel Nigro’s passion for the Air Force’s history and the heritage of The 127th Wing.

Thanks and cheers,
Capt. Michael T. “Billy” Squier
Flight Commander